After fighting with the Taliban, which was the last victim of the Corporal Italian Matteo Miotto, comes a clash between armed forces and minister. A confrontation at a white heat and that the holder of Defense chooses to shine right in Gulistan, the district where cursed Miotto is dead. But how he died?

Ignazio La Russa, muscular look and decisions, says a tooth out. How he died Miotto not even know him because the military told him: "It was given to me either that part of the news that put the event in an exchange of fire lasted several minutes. Then maybe actually a single sniper shot, but certainly there was the presence of other people with arms. The prevailing hypothesis - add Russia - is that he shot one person with the sniper rifle ... for sure there was an exchange of fire lasted several minutes, at which the Italians and the same was attended by Miotto, reacting promptly. " In short, La Russa said the soldiers half-truths, sweetened, uncertain: "In all this I found a bit of the old setting to tell a truth that no alarms. I am however convinced that truth is not alarming and ever, in this case, it should be said first of all to the end of respect for Matthew Miotto.
It 'a real lunge against Italian soldiers in which many MPs are now demanding to report to the rooms. But it is also a hook Camporini a few days at the summit from the alternation of the Armed Forces Chief of Staff of Defense, the person against whom Russia has never had very tender feelings. Dislike, apparently reciprocated (the assignment expires Jan. 17: Defense Superior Council of Magistrates appointed in November 2007, saw his term extended twice. Biagio will be replaced by Abraham).
Returning Gulistan affair, but the Minister will forgive even if, understand it, the notice to those who will replace Camporini is clear: "We must not forget everything that has happened the last year, at a base far away, and that the news was fragmented: this is a big mitigating factor. I was told - he adds - that I have been given certain information and that they preferred not to give me those were not confirmed 100%. I'll take it for good, so much so that there will be no consequences. I do not want to accuse anyone, but I want to reiterate that my teaching, let's call it, is that of transparency. There is nothing to hide. "
background a war drowned in a sea of \u200b\u200bcontroversy including the growing up Miotto, now complicated the exit of the minister. And in an increasingly confused.
Six months from what should be the beginning of the withdrawal of American troops will come to know that the U.S. would want to send to Afghanistan before the spring 1400 other marine, further support for combat forces engaged in war. So wrote the Wall Street Journal yesterday, that a battalion of marines on the ground could begin arriving as early as mid January. Forces would be deployed to the south, around Kandahar where the United States have concentrated their troops in recent months. A war still long, despite the announced withdrawal, and expensive: the United States and NATO allies will spend 11.6 billion dollars in 2011, slightly less than 9 billion €, the largest amount ever appropriated for a year, training the army and police, said yesterday the Washington Post.
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