My personal and humble opinion about the death of the soldier Luca Sanna differs substantially from that ammanitaci Minister La Russa that, sometimes, I think people take us for fools. I am convinced that the poor know was killed by friendly fire: a peasant from Afghanistan that awkward, not knowing how to handle a gun, fired by mistake.

You say how can you deny the words of the minister, Jordan dear, what proof do you have? I answer with a question. The minister who has evidence that it was an infiltrator? He arrested the man? She found the associates? He got a tip? No, Russia is a hypothesis. Which I believe does not stand up and then make my articles about common sense and what little I know, not Bala Murghab, but Afghanistan and the human condition.
According to the Minister, the Taliban have orchestrated the action. Accipiacchia! The Taliban have become like the CIA, refined as a secret service at the highest levels. Enough with the IED along the rough roads, there is now a new threat refined. They make the selection, and so do a course of three months one of them, they do Murghab be up to them to implement the bang. And that is infiltrated? You take command of Camp Arena and kill the Italian commander in Herat? Blasts Santa Barbara? Take decisive information to kill a whole platoon? No, take and shoot a poor soldier with the rank of corporal, which is one of the lowest grades of the army. A soldier, who removed, the damage is immediately rearranged. Actions of high psychological impact but no effect on the military. But let's just take us for fools ...?
The truth seems to me another one: is that NATO does not want to admit that has not even been able to train his new army made from 300 thousand farmers who have never seen a gun in their lives, who are mostly illiterate and make war because it is the only job available and perhaps less likely with the military that with the Taliban. Enough with the myth Afghan warrior who always has a rifle on his shoulder. But you know how much it costs - I do not say a gun - but a bullet? Do you know how much money a farmer? You know that people over thirty million people is established as the peoples of the world except a handful of fighters (10-Taliban 20 thousand, 300 thousand between soldat police)?
only common sense.
not say that the Taliban have not thought to infiltrate (if they have never thought La Russa has now given them an idea), has indeed already happened with that Jordanian who blew himself up in a den or CIA , more crudely, with suicide bombers disguised as police officers. But to implement operation intelligence tanto raffinata (tre mesi di training) ci vuole una strategia da 007 che non mi sembra proprio abbia a che fare con le tecniche spicce degli uomini in turbante. O, come al solito, c'è l'ombra dell'Isi pachistano? A Washington troverebbero l'idea molto seducente.
Potrò sbagliarmi , certo, anzi sicuramente. Ma mi tengo questa idea fin che non avrò prove: l'arresto e la confessione (non a Guantanamo o a Bagram) dell'"infiltrato, o qualche altro elemento che non quello fornitomi da un ministro che, non più tardi di due settimane fa, sul caso Miotto ci aveva detto che aveva saputo dai suoi delle... "mezze verità". Sarà lecito dubitare della sua ipotesi? Si. Pertanto mi tengo my hug and the family of that poor Luca Sanna, she intended to hear from the Minister of the Republic yet another half-truth.
I must add that NATO this afternoon (my post was written this morning) has confirmed an incident in which an Afghan soldier killed a NATO military and wounded another. You do not say the nationality but it is quite clear, as pointed out by the BBC, which we refer to that episode. NATO took two days to break the news (which she likes) but seems to contradict the certainties of the Russian ...
( point out to my readers who found the comment at the bottom of the page and that disputes with other elements, my reconstruction the facts. Worth, I believe, be read and taken into account )
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