For the second time in a few months the Gulistan, the valley bordering the hottest areas of Afghanistan and under Italian jurisdiction, is another victim in New Year's morning, a sniper killed the corporal of Thiene Matteo Miotto, bringing to 35 the budget share of the Italian military deaths in Afghanistan.
The body of the soldier , moved to Rome today, will be shifted, after the customary public ceremony to be held in the capital on Monday in his hometown where the soldier had asked to be buried in the area dedicated to war dead of the local cemetery. He missed a handful of days before his return to Italy, where yet another death caused the reactions, as customary, that characterize attention to Afghanistan now that only death shatters the slumber. Among the requests for withdrawal of troops and confirm that in Afghanistan must be the father of soldier killed raises some questions: "... I have called his commanders from Afghanistan, saying that he had been struck in the shoulder - said Francesco Miotto - now we talk about a shot that would have reached the opposite .... there are versions that are not consistent. We want families to understand what happened. " It is not the only legitimate question to ask.

must look a map and, by geography, try to understand why a place is so dangerous. In Farah province, even if the pressure of the Taliban is not as strong in other areas, were particularly gli americani a darsi da fare con bombardamenti che hanno registrato, nel Farah e appena più a Nord della provincia e cioè nell'area Sud dell'Herat, alcune delle stragi di civili più note di tutta la guerra (a Shindand, nell'Herat meridionale, e a Bala Boluk, nel Farah centrorientale). Il comando Ovest, a guida italiana, riesce a tenere sotto controllo la regione ma, col passare del tempo, gli americani hanno chiesto agli italiani di fare di più. Di spingersi dunque nelle aree più calde, alcune delle quali al confine con la provincia di Helmand, dove si trova il Gulistan. Ma non è un'operazione facile “sigillare” il Farah dalle infiltrazioni talebane. E, soprattutto, non è facile farlo in un territorio in which the Americans have scorched earth and then move the hand to the Italians.
the deteriorating overall situation, therefore, is even worse than that on a warm front of which there is most likely the Gulistan, where, according to some sources, there is not only the pressure of the crime or the Taliban in Afghanistan, but where would move even the Iranians who seek in any way to check if indirectly areas near the border with his country. Build lasting relationships, say in Kabul, where the guerrilla training is provided and explosives. Hypothesis. But they say as the Gulistan is a bit 'more than a name of the geography of the country.
The question to ask is dunque in quali condizioni operano i soldati italiani. E se e per quali motivi il Gulistan è diventato tanto pericoloso. Se è vero che abbiamo ricevuto una pessima eredità difficile da aggiustare e se la nostra presenza in quelle aree, che consente agli americani un impegno maggiore in altre province, non è effettivamente un fattore di rischio in più per chi ha preso in consegna quella regione.
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