With a suicide attack in a crowded public bathroom Spin Boldak, a village on the border with Pakistan in the province meridionale di Kandahar, i talebani hanno ucciso ieri almeno 17 persone ferendone un'altra ventina. L'obiettivo era un posto di polizia che si trova nel medesimo edificio, ma la strage ha finito per colpire soprattutto civili inermi. Regola ormai osservata con scrupolo. Nella stessa giornata anche tre soldati della Nato sono stati uccisi in due attentati nel Sud e nell'Est del Paese.
Giornata di ordinaria follia bellica in un Paese senza pace e con nessuna prospettiva all'orizzonte e di cui Al Jazeera, utilizzando fonti diverse, ha dato ieri un tragico riepilogo numerico di un sanguinario 2010: secondo l'emittente del Qatar, il tributo in termini di vittime civili è stato l'anno scorso di 2.412 persone e 3.803 feriti in soli dieci mesi (fino a ottobre) con un aumento rispetto all'anno precedente del 20%. Altissimo anche il numero di morti nell'esercito (821) e nella polizia afgani (1.292). Quanto alle truppe straniere il 2010 ha visto morire 711 soldati contro i 521 del 2009 (soprattutto americani e britannici: 35 gli italiani con Matteo Miotto, ucciso l'ultimo dell'anno a due settimane dalla fine della sua missione).
E' in questo quadro che la guerra infinita d'Afghanistan si snoda tra dichiarazioni sull'imminente ritiro (luglio 2011) e la decisione, apparsa sui giornali americani, di inviare però almeno altri mille marine (1.400 secondo altre fonti) nel teatro asiatico anche se il Pentagono sta rifacendo deal with the cuts planned by the Administration. Cuts but does not undermine the defense spending for the troops in Afghanistan. With that
the Washington Post has called a "first time" since the end of the Cold War, the U.S. defense is now resigned to the fact that the rate of growth of military spending is not sustainable. The gap, however, administration will not affect too much and especially do not touch the military spending for Afghanistan and Iraq. The 553 billion for 2011 that the White House has proposed to the owner of the Pentagon, Robert Gates, it will cut 78 billion in five years (the Administration's request was 150) and one to understand American newspapers, something should be spared even with the withdrawal of troops engaged in Afghanistan scheduled for July. But how will the military to go home? It is said by a few thousand to twenty thousand but they are only rumors.
Printing Afghan ago bearer instead of other concerns. The reduction of the military budget is in fact quite insignificant when you look at that for the civil expenditure in Afghanistan, which is funding the reconstruction. According ToloNews Congress would drastically reduce the new civilian program so far cost the Administration, since 2002, 56 billion dollars. Republicans are doing the heavy-handed: you keep the military commitment think that the sacrifices should be made on the calendar with a cut "fat" that Democrats want to avoid. For now, though the amount of the transaction is not known. On the political front
things stagnate: the last good news was the indirect political recognition of the Taliban as part of Karzai's policy of negotiation as (but not everyone agrees with him in his government) said he was ready to greet the birth of an office of the guerrillas in a third country, such as Turkey. Partners in a sense ideal (part of NATO but boasts that he never killed an Afghan), Ankara has some ambition. But it has to deal with the Saudis and Pakistanis. And of course with the Americans.
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