I'm not a historian, a sociologist, anthropologist, none of this. I'm just a storyteller, a novelist, particularly Italian careful, yes, to his countrymen. So it is no coincidence that all the citations to support or excuse may be drawn from literature, not history books. So everything that follows, and that will certainly turn up the mouths of experts, must be taken with a pinch of salt. If you try to change the question in what a French or German, you can answer relatively easily, even lining up a series of platitudes. Sure, the Italians were minted clichés, like "Italians good people" but I do not think that the Abyssinians or gassed Libyan deportees are of the same opinion. And, without going too far back in history, I do not think I can agree even the immigrants who daily land on our shores. When he became a united Europe, many northern Italians feared to lose, in addition to pennies, even their identity. Lucky them, they thought they have one. Some of the Po Valley, to affirm, married with Celtic ritual that no one knows exactly what constitutes. However, it is clear that the rites of the river Po ol'adorazione Celtic have nothing to do with certain rites of the South as the dissolution of the blood of San Gennaro or the Feast of Santa Rosalia. So how do you call the same name of an Italian peasant and a peasant Sicilian Friuli? It seems to me that in his time also the chancellor Metternich, in the face of Italian aspirations unit, you place is pretty much the same question. And he had that much wrong who said that Italy was only a geographical expression? And the Italian politician who said that once made Italy the Italians needed to be done implicitly acknowledges that the sense of national unity was still completely absent from us? Before going further, it should be clarified as I understood the term 'Italian'. Let's say I got known as the Italian average ("if it was / that the average Italian is a little fool, 'sang Laura Betti forty years ago), ie the results of a statistical average and I tried to d 'find a common denominator between them other than the title di studio, tipo d’impiego, stipendio mensile eccetera. Ma gli uomini non sono numeri, ciascun individuo ha una propria individualità che rende non solo difficile, ma altamente improbabile la precisione del risultato globale. In altre parole, una ricerca cosiffatta di un comune denominatore rischia di non tener conto di tutto quello che può contraddire l’assunto stesso. Mi spiego meglio: non ricordo chi sosteneva che se un tale in un giorno si è mangiato due polli e un altro tale invece non ha neppure desinato, statisticamente risulterà che ne hanno mangiato uno a testa. Allora: per fare un esempio pratico: italiani brava gente? La mia risposta è no, ma ciò non toglie che tra gli italiani ci sia tanta, tantissima brava gente. However, common features are found, some visible to the naked eye, perceptible only through other laboratory tests. It was during Fascism that has implemented the utmost effort of unification, with measures of internal migration ed'abolizione regionalistic distinctive character. Were especially targeted dialects whose use was strictly forbidden at school, in public places, theater, cinema. But soon after top ministry official, namely the Ministry of Popular Culture, issued a circular in which theater companies dialect of Gilberto Govi \u200b\u200b(Genoa), the brothers De Filippo (Naples) and Cesco Baseggio (Venetian) were exempted from the prohibition. It was a clear contradiction, especially since the three companies with great success throughout the country, making an indirect propaganda of dialects. But this contradiction gives me the opportunity to establish a first common trait. There is no doubt that the dialect literature, with Ruzante, Meli, Door, Belli, Goldoni, Pirandello, De Filippo, has often produced works became part of the cultural heritage of the nation. But he was, and what is the use of dialects in their speech community? In an article in the last years of the nineteenth century, entitled "Modern Prose" Luigi Pirandello wrote as follows: "The use of the Italian language, is told and retold old thing does not exist. In Milan, Lombardy dialect is spoken, in Turin, Piedmont, Florence, Florence, Venice and the Venetian, in Palermo, Sicily, and so forth, each dialect has its own phonetic type, its morphological type, its syntactic mold especially: a Sicilian and now offers a Piedmontese, not entirely illiterate, talking together. Well, to be clear (...) feel the need to appeal to a common tongue, the national team, that should unite all peoples, since Italy is united with the Italian language. (...) But where to find it, where is this blessed speaks Italian? We talk or you want to speak at schools, and is in the books. And the Sicilian and Piedmontese together to talk, will only round up most of their dialects, leaving each mold their syntax, and Fioretti here and there that wants this to be the language of Italy Italian parlatain reminiscences of this or read that book. Pirandello gives the example of two "not totally illiterate." But if the sample had been referred to two illiterate? Or two decidedly illiterate? There is a story by De Roberto, entitled Fear, which photographs the linguistic reality in a trench war of '15-'18: every soldier speaks the dialect of the region of origin. And among them are with gestures, glances. So one of the common denominators of the Italians was, at least until the fifties of last century, the dialect diversification. As often happens to us, a unifying trait is composed of a diversity. Can I still use to explain myself better by Pirandello. He says, in an article entitled "Theatre in Sicily," which dates from the same period one mentioned earlier: "A great number of words in a given dialect are more or less - the phonetic distortion removed - the same language, but as concepts of things, not as a particular feeling for them. " Put simply: for a given thing, the language expresses the concept, while the dialect expresses feelings. The municipality Italian feel, that is to say, try the same feeling of joy or a curse in front of a certain event, then be born from the thought dialect. The conceptualization made by the language comes out in homogeneous reactions. Perhaps, if we consider the source of the vernacular notary ('sao ko Kelle lands "etc.), Pirandello's comments are not so far-fetched. (...)
(Andrea Camilleri, website ICI)
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