Andrea Bollini (CISMAI) replica of the Panorama investigation. "But as a seizure of state, rather the problem is that the blood relationship in Italy is still a myth, hard to cut 'exclaims as Andrea Bollini, president of the Italian or CISMAI-Coordinament of Services against Abuse Childhood abuse. Panorama this week devotes its cover to 32 thousand children that justice has moved away from their parents, telling four stories of outrageous mistakes, starting with the two babies taken from their parents in Basildon, near Milan, last spring. "Seizures of state," is the title. Within the service you talk about children in foster care (16 thousand) and pooled (15 thousand) as "kidnapped." These children have been "forcibly removed from their families, not always with good reason. As demonstrated by the many mistakes due to haste and superficiality, but also a business that is worth more than a billion euro a year. "Well," is the whole system to be systematically put into question. " Bollini is on this that there is. "Cases of judicial error and we were there, as well as removals that should not be made. But woe to delegitimize and discredit a system into thinking that the error is systematic. This is not only misinformation, it is a regurgitation of guilty adultocentrismo forget that children's rights, "he says. "Flaw in the system for protecting abused children there are, but they are of a different kind, like the fact that an abused child has to repeat every court in his testimony: yes this is institutional violence." From his Bollini not believe the figure quoted in Panorama by Alison Vignale Regional Council of Piedmont PDL: 77% of children expelled for inappropriate teaching methods and inability to follow the children, or for 'subjective reasons. " On the contrary over the years seen an increase in removals made for extremely serious reasons, such as abuse or the failure of strong parenting skills due to drug addiction and mental illness. "Today the mild cases of abuse are dealt with customer service and keep the family home, the withdrawal is made for borderline cases or those where there are no more conditions to remain in the family." Anyway, the data label in this matter does not believe in principle, as there is in Italy a system for monitoring child abuse and child abuse. "It's a shame, this monitoring plan was provided by the children, there was a small trial with the documentation center for childhood and adolescence, but then everything is gone. There can be no serious political enforcement, prevention and care of abused children without a serious framework for understanding the phenomenon. " Judges too interventionist for Panorama. Too cautious, but says the same service Melita Cavallo, referring to the fact that "we give up for adoption when children are psychologically destroyed." Bollini for judges in recent years have not decided removals, and "urgent measures of the individual judge are practically disappeared decide the Council Chamber, with two judges who are judges and two lay judges, this collegiality is a guarantee. " Bollini especially disputes that 50% of children within the family bed as overwhelming evidence of the fallibility of the system, "is contrary to a positive, it means that the system of work guidance to families. The expulsion is not a punishment but an opportunity for parents that you give them to recover their parenting skills. If half the stand it is good for everybody. "
(November 13, 2009, Sara De Carli)
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