Domestic violence is a form of torture.
World Day against violence against women. Tove Horneliuso spoke, President of Etta Sos.
Written for us by Tove K. Hörnelius
* According to Radhika Coomaraswamy, UN Special Rapporteur on Violence against women, domestic violence can be equated to torture or cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment under international human rights Entente Civil and Political Rights and the Convention Against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or degrading treatment.
In fact, domestic violence has four basic characteristics that qualify the torture: 1) causes serious physical or emotional pain, 2) is intentionally inflicted, 3) for specific purposes and 4) have some form of official involvement, whether active or passive.
According to international human rights law, States have not only the duty to refrain from committing human rights violations, but also have to prevent and respond effectively to the violence. According to ISTAT 2 million 938 thousand women have experienced physical violence (12%) or sexual (6.1%) by current partner or former partner. The most common forms of physical violence are being was pushed, tugged, grabbed her by the hair and twisted his arm (63.4%), threatened with physical violence (48.6%), being taken to slapping, punching, kicking, biting (47.8%) , the last being struck by objects (25.2%), just the threat or use of a knife or gun (6.8%) or attempted strangulation or suffocation (6.6%). By analyzing the types of sexual violence, in the first place come the unwanted sex (70.5%), followed by rape (26.6%), from being forced to humiliating sexual activities considered (24.0%) from attempted rape (21.1%) and being forced to have sex with other people (3.1%). Only 18.2% of women who have been victims of physical or sexual violence in the family considers a crime. Only 7.3% of family violence was reported. Women who have suffered more violence from the partner in life, in 35.1% of cases suffered from depression following the events suffered loss of confidence and self-esteem (48.8%), helplessness (44.9 %), sleep disturbance (41.5%), anxiety (37.4%), concentration difficulties (24.3%), recurrent pain in different parts (18.5%), difficulty in managing their children (14 , 3%), suicidal ideation and self-harm (12.3%). Because there are few complaints? It 's still a conspiracy of silence or ignorance that is to deny the obvious? We speak daily with these issues and this wins despite the silence. Etta
* Founding President of SOS, in 1998 obtained a diploma in training experts in rehabilitation and psychotherapy on abuse and violence by the Italian Federation of Psychologists. Etta Sos is a 'non-profit association that offers the possibility to ask for help in the field of psycho-social, therapeutic and legal.
(Appeared on peacereporter.net)
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