hell of Cambodian brothels where children are sold for $ 10
PHNOM PENH - "You want a child of ten years or do you like my little brother, who has eight years?". Along with the marijuana and amphetamine, this offer pimps to Westerners reduction in hotels da due soldi attorno al lago Bung Kak di Phnom Penh. Anche l'autista di tuk-tuk propone creature di cui abusare: "Conosco un bordello pieno di ragazzine. Costano care, però. Almeno venti dollari". Che la Cambogia sia ancora un paradiso per pedofili lo dimostrano anche le statistiche: una bambina su quaranta viene venduta ai bordelli, alcune di queste hanno appena 5 anni. Almeno un terzo delle prostitute cambogiane è minorenne. "Eppure, qualcosa sta cambiando", dice Bruno Maltoni dell'Organizzazione mondiale per le migrazioni, direttore di un progetto finanziato dalla Cooperazione italiana contro il traffico di minori a scopo sessuale in Cambogia. Negli ultimi anni, Maltoni ha addestrato la polizia cambogiana a riconoscere i segni di abuso, a interrogare victims and perpetrators, to carry out searches. "The government has decided to tackle the problem - Maltoni says - but there is still much to do, especially in the judiciary. Once arrested, it is difficult for pedophiles to be tried and sentenced." The recent news seems to confirm the hypothesis that the authorities have finally begun to tackle the phenomenon. Last week, in a guesthouse in the capital were arrested two Germans who were shooting a video while raping a minor. Two days ago, on the beach of Sihanoukville in the south of the country, police arrested a Frenchman, who was also caught red-handed, he was raping a street kid. And yesterday, finally, a couple ended up in jail di cambogiani che aveva venduto la verginità della loro bimba di undici anni. Gli orchi sono spesso europei, australiani o statunitensi. Ma ci sono altri mostri, più insidiosi, perché si confondono tra i cambogiani, quindi più difficili da intercettare. Sono quei pedofili, numerosissimi, che arrivano da Taipei, Hong-Kong, Pechino. "Ci sono cinesi che festeggiano la firma d'un contratto comprandosi una vergine cambogiana, perché credono che deflorarla li ringiovanisca e perché temono che con una prostituta potrebbero beccarsi l'Hiv", spiega Seyla Semleamp dell'ong Aple (Action pour les enfants). "Il problema è che spesso sono le famiglie stesse a fornire loro le bimbe". Bimbe che, quando tornano a casa dopo aver trascorso a couple of nights with their rapist, were stoned by the men of the village, because they are considered Srey Kouchi, broken souls. "Therefore, after a mother has sold her virginity to a girl of 10 years for $ 500, the small end in a brothel." According to Pech Rithy Riverkids organization since the authorities have started, albeit mildly, to suppress child prostitution, the pimps have changed the rules of their trade. If once the baby-prostitutes were found in the red-light districts, in hotels and brothels, today you have to go to karaoke centers and massage parlors. The abomination is perhaps more hidden than once, but no less widespread. Until a couple of years ago, For example, the infamous "Km 11", a miserable hamlet seven miles from the center, for a few dollars mothers offered their children on the front door. Today, they continue to do so, but more hidden. "There is another way to avoid detection," said Pech. "The mamasan (pimp the editor's note) gives the child a cell phone with a charge of $ 10. And she goes around with the photo album of her small stable of slaves to show to the customer. At the last minute, call the selected to tell him where to go. " Pech who directs the center in a slum in the capital offers health care, education, but also a plate of rice to street children, most of whom have been raped. Are circa trecento, inzeppati in stanzette senza finestre, ma finalmente sorridenti, perché al riparo dai soprusi. "Quelli che vede sono tutti potenziali schiavi sessuali", dice Pech. Quanti di loro lo sono già stati? "Almeno la metà". Il direttore del centro ci fa conoscere Chenda, una timida tredicenne che è stata ripetutamente violentata dallo zio e che qui studia l'inglese. È difficile che le ragazze come Chenda raccontino il calvario che hanno subito. "Improvvisamente, magari dopo sei mesi che sono da noi, parlano e si liberano del peso che le opprime", spiega Pech. Come Maltoni e Pech, anche la parigina Françoise Bricout dell'ong La Goutte d'Eau appartiene a quella falange di operatori umanitari che portano sollievo alle young victims of the defect. A Neak Leung, a village on the banks of the Mekong, Françoise coordinating center with about two hundred children, many of them torn from brothels where they worked for years, and now try to find a reason to continue living. Before landing, none of them had never been to school. Here they are taught a trade (mechanic, tailor, barber or carpenter), so that one day it is possible to reintegrate them into society. One of them clings tightly to Francoise, as if to protect it. You Sovannarith Sam, a sixteen year old mentally handicapped, which was found among the rubbish of Battambang in the north of the country, when he was 10 years. "He had been raped, more times. This derives from the obsessive behavior that he had with his peers, "says Françoise." Usually, children do not report their ancestors from which they were raped because they know that the police arrested them and that the family would be ruined and would not more to eat. "The new Curse of the port of Sihanoukville is yahma, so it is called a deadly methamphetamine manufactured in Thailand, which makes use of 80 per cent of Cambodian lolitas. The old but ever present curse of the place Westerners are pedophiles, that here on the beach gazing out their prey. About 65 percent of them are boys aged 8 to 15 years. The NGO M'Lop Tapang, literally under the tree, takes care of so-called beach children, children's beach. Visit the center that is coordinated from English Margharet Eno, which bears the pride of the hot-line which she created to expose and possibly catch pedophiles a moment before they carry out their destruction. Margharet says: "Train children to recognize and report them when they harass. We teach them tricks, strategies of the orcs. We train even the old woman selling drinks to tourists or the fisherman who repairs the network." Thanks to the hotline (advertised on all the tuk-tuk the town as well as in hotel rooms) at this time the prisons are home to six of Sihanoukville pedophiles. The problem, says Margharet, is that 95 percent of children are raped by Cambodians. "And they, the police did not arrest them almost never." Of the more than three hundred children who are here, one in ten has been raped. Everyone is at risk, as they come out of here. "Also, tell them what their rights and that, for example, masturbation or watching others having sex or being filmed while having sex is an abuse," adds Margharet. "To rebuild self-esteem of these children, we recite them: in some cases, the theater may have therapeutic virtues." We ask Sylvia Sisowath, cousin of King Sihanouk and chairman of Les enfants du sourire Khmer, to what extent the decay of some Cambodian families where the parents sell the virginity of their children or their small to Westerners, is due to the genocide perpetrated by the Khmer Rouge, which between 1975 and 1979 massacred a fifth of the population of the country. It is possible that the brutal dictatorship, as well as having reaped nearly two million lives, has also devastated the consciences so deep as to allow such an abomination? "Of course, because the Pol Pot regime has decimated our people. In this impressive memory, joined the drama caused by landmines which, in some regions, for thirty years continue to kill one person a day. Today, however, There is more attention to the rights, or rather, for the safety of children. A couple of years ago, the rumor that the Cambodians were small brought to Thailand for the export of organs. The government wanted to see clearly. Since then, things are slowly changing. "It would be nice to believe them.
(PETER KING, website ICI)