Years ago I participated in the quality of my business team. The goal was to write the internal working procedures to be set out in the Quality Manual (ISO 9001) of the company.
Be 'for me was very instructive.
must have the opportunity to streamline and simplify work processes and responsibilities. But it became a useless and harmful work. The problem was the team. There were 10 people all wanted to include something about them. So instead of removing every day something was added. I was pissed but it was like fighting with windmills. Eventually (in my opinion) came out a monster that complicated All but a bit 'was applied as .... then all the useless things was gradually put into oblivion.
But the damage was a lot.
Moral of the story: When is it easier (read less bureaucracy), streamline (lower parliamentary) remove pieces (Provinces and Chambers of Commerce) shared the approach does not work. Better than being a top down or bottom up.
Like the great changes in holdings are made with the serious crisis .... where you change the AD and the new one from full powers, the states are made with real reforms, revolutions or major economic crises. When the power goes a strong government. (There is an exception and èrappresentata by democracies in the initial phase, but it is short-term)
The pace of everything right and left. Because this is a concept that applies to everyone.
We had Mussolini, Franco Spain, Argentina, Peron, Russia, Lenin and Stalin, Castro's Cuba and Mao's China. One could go on and on, but the concept is the same also in the history of past centuries .... the French Revolution gave birth to Napoleon. Came from Ataturk modernized Turkey, Jordan by King Ussein ETCC.
Rather the story makes you think: why is not that simple allows choosing the best system. That slow and ineficiente teams (democracy) or one that changes everything quickly, but does so with right-wing dictatorships or dictators del proletariato o con qualche generale "illuminato".
Alla fine però rimane una semplice considerazione: noi piccoli granelli di sabbia siamo solo una minuscola particella della macchina; una macchina che con noi o senza di noi ha comunque una sua inerzia e che non possiamo dirigere. Siamo solo spettatori di processi più grandi di noi.
Possiamo capirli, studiarli, subirli o cavalcarli, questo si, ma non cambiarli.
Io sono fermamente convinto che anche la maggior parte dei politici, perfino i segretari di partito e i ministri alla fine possono solo apportare piccole modifiche, accelerare un processo o rallentarlo, ma le dinamiche economiche e sociali di un popolo sono maledettamente difficili da orientare o dirigere. This is why it is so difficult to pursue major reforms in Italy by the government regardless of Ds or left.
Mine is not pessimism, but simple realism.
Be 'for me was very instructive.
must have the opportunity to streamline and simplify work processes and responsibilities. But it became a useless and harmful work. The problem was the team. There were 10 people all wanted to include something about them. So instead of removing every day something was added. I was pissed but it was like fighting with windmills. Eventually (in my opinion) came out a monster that complicated All but a bit 'was applied as .... then all the useless things was gradually put into oblivion.
But the damage was a lot.
Moral of the story: When is it easier (read less bureaucracy), streamline (lower parliamentary) remove pieces (Provinces and Chambers of Commerce) shared the approach does not work. Better than being a top down or bottom up.
Like the great changes in holdings are made with the serious crisis .... where you change the AD and the new one from full powers, the states are made with real reforms, revolutions or major economic crises. When the power goes a strong government. (There is an exception and èrappresentata by democracies in the initial phase, but it is short-term)
The pace of everything right and left. Because this is a concept that applies to everyone.
We had Mussolini, Franco Spain, Argentina, Peron, Russia, Lenin and Stalin, Castro's Cuba and Mao's China. One could go on and on, but the concept is the same also in the history of past centuries .... the French Revolution gave birth to Napoleon. Came from Ataturk modernized Turkey, Jordan by King Ussein ETCC.
Rather the story makes you think: why is not that simple allows choosing the best system. That slow and ineficiente teams (democracy) or one that changes everything quickly, but does so with right-wing dictatorships or dictators del proletariato o con qualche generale "illuminato".
Alla fine però rimane una semplice considerazione: noi piccoli granelli di sabbia siamo solo una minuscola particella della macchina; una macchina che con noi o senza di noi ha comunque una sua inerzia e che non possiamo dirigere. Siamo solo spettatori di processi più grandi di noi.
Possiamo capirli, studiarli, subirli o cavalcarli, questo si, ma non cambiarli.
Io sono fermamente convinto che anche la maggior parte dei politici, perfino i segretari di partito e i ministri alla fine possono solo apportare piccole modifiche, accelerare un processo o rallentarlo, ma le dinamiche economiche e sociali di un popolo sono maledettamente difficili da orientare o dirigere. This is why it is so difficult to pursue major reforms in Italy by the government regardless of Ds or left.
Mine is not pessimism, but simple realism.
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