In the mid-nineties, the UN banned the airspace above Bosnia, however, unable to prevent the massacre of Srebrenica, or the dripping of Sarajevo. At the beginning of the decade however, a coalition of the willing, then not yet called it, had decided, in defiance of the UN which he called "illegal" that choose to impose a no fly zone over the skies of Iraq. United States, Britain and France (which in 1998 withdrew from the mission) got some effect in protecting the Kurds in the north of the country, but failed to prevent the massacres of Shiites that Saddam Hussein had ordered the South squadrons of helicopters, flying low, escaped to the enemy radar without difficulty pursuing their goals. The no-fly zones over Iraq, finally, was the prelude of the war more disastrous than the beginning of this century has seen.
If experience teaches anything, therefore, should think twice, as fortune for the United States and Europe are doing, before taking a dangerous step as the establishment of a no-fly zones. Technically prevent the overflight of Libyan fighters in the skies may appear as a choice rais "humanitarian" aims to prevent a possible massacre of civilians. But in fact a declaration of war and a prelude to actual acts of war as are the actions di intercettazione e abbattimento dei velivoli posti sotto tutela. Gli atti bellici spingono di solito ad altri atti bellici e a un'esibizione muscolare che tende a trasferirsi dal cielo alla terra con conseguente invio di truppe. Preludio insomma a un'ennesima palude in cui, per evitare una strage di civili, si prepara in grande stile la loro futura e certa morte per mano amica.
Leggi tutto su Lettera22
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