filter jugs ..... The filtered water jugs, not good to drink. This was announced by a statement of Mineracqua, the Italian federation of industries of mineral water. The complaint came on the table after the prosecutor Raffaele Guariniello Mineracqua did analyze the water from the water filter jug \u200b\u200bfrom the University of Rome La Sapienza. To issue a verdict or not drinking or danger, now, expect the analysis of the Nas - the core of the police Commodities. Ma secondo le analisi effettuate dai laboratori universitari, l’acqua del rubinetto filtrata nelle caraffe sarebbe impoverita nei valori nutritivi e maggiormente esposta al profliferare di cariche batteriche. In altre parole, non sarebbe più potabile. A finire sul tavolo degli imputati sarebbero soprattutto 3 aziende produttrici: la Brita, tedesca e leader del mercato; la Coop Viviverde sempre prodotta dalla Brita e la Auchan Laica. Lo rivela il quotidiano La Repubblica. Il problema, secondo Mineracqua, sarebbe anche igienico e di smaltimento dei rifiuti. Le caraffe sono lavabili a 50 grandi, ma la sanificazione si ha solo a 74 gradi. E poi i filtri ai carboni attivi: dove smaltirli? E soprattutto: perchè potabilizzare un’acqua che è già drinking? The Brita counters and claims to have the certification of the Austrian and German health ministry. So consumers do not know what to buy: tap water (the public, for instance) is drinking water, but was positive in 121 municipalities arsenic. Consumer associations are carrying out a class action to sue for damages. The water bottles, for its part, is increasingly expensive and controls are periodic. Better tap or bottle, then? (Source: Vostrisoldi.it) Is there a way to make a healthy and safe drinking water through the ionizer Leveluk 501 which filters the water and at the same time makes it alkaline, ionized charge of electrons, light short, the best water for human beings. Here is where you can have all the info to install comfort of your home ionizer Leveluk http://www.acquasorgivakangen.com 501>>> http://acquasorgivakangen.blogspot.com>>> http://www.marketingkangen.com >>> Angelo De Salvatore>>> 393-33.61.352
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