Saturday, February 26, 2011

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'The Poisoned Water Filter Jugs

'The poisoned water ... "" If the water is not drinkable, we can not pay like one. "Today, in front of the Rome office of Acea SpA, parent company of the aqueducts of Rome and most of the municipalities there is a garrison of protest. The sit-in was called against the incinerator from the coordination of Albano, the Public Water Committee Velletri and the one from Genzano. The event is scheduled for 11 am to Piazzale Ostiense. The protesters called for the immediate intervention of the operator to restore the drinking water in the territory of the Roman Castles and the reduction of past and future bills. Complained that the fee charged by Acea that, upon expiry of the derogation granted by the European Commission would continue to distribute water containing concentrations of hazardous substances - such as arsenic and vanadium - in excess of legal limits. At stake is' the health of hundreds of thousands of people, long neglected by the institutions. "Despite the manager says that interventions are being made to restore the drinking water - tell us the Coordination against the incinerator Albano - the levels of arsenic are in many cases above 10 micrograms per liter required by law. " Holds true for Velletri, Albano and many other municipalities in the province, where many citizens are still obliged to obtain supplies from the nearest tanker. Already between 2003 and 2005 reports began to circulate clandestinely seeds of analysis that documented alarming amount of harmful elements in drinking water: arsenic and fluoride up to 80 micrograms up to four micrograms per liter. "Today - yet claim by the Committee, both our data and those of the operator confirm the excess of the levels of law Throughout 2010 and the first months of 2011, in large swathes of territory. The ACEA has distributed in the Castelli Romani water more polluted than allowed. " It is therefore our duty, according to the citizens, the manager of the water supply to revise downward the rates bills. From the coordination point out that national derogations on pollutants in the water already in place for six years, expired on 31 December 2009, and that the European Commission has denied the Lazio Region for further concessions for arsenic forcing institutions to respect the limits imposed by law. 'Is totally unfounded and blatantly violates the provisions of the European Commission - concluded by the Committee - the last circolare firmata dall’assessore regionale all’ambiente Marco Mattei, che riguarda una presunta accettabilità del limite di 20 microgrammi per litro per l’arsenico».( Ormai tante famiglie sono coscienti che l'acqua potabile non è piu Salutare e Sicura come una volta nonostante i controlli, che ricordo, vengono effettuati SOLO presso l'acquedotto e MAI ai rubinetti presso le nostre abitazioni ! Tante famiglie hanno provveduto e altrettante lo farranno, ad installare in casa propria un dispositivo medicale chiamato ionizzatore Leveluk 501 dell' Azienda più famosa al mondo, la giapponese Enagic. Informati adesso come potrai avere in casa tua la Migliore acqua del Mondo: Acqua sorgiva Kangen: --->>>>>>>>>> ---> Salvatore De Angelo - 393-33.61.352


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