At 11 this morning Italian time were already more than 693 000 signatures collected from the site (which specializes in providing petition) in favor of Julian Assange, the creator of Wikileaks. "The campaign of intimidation waged against Wikileaks is a dangerous assault on our freedom of press and expression - says the appeal on which it is stated that - do you think of Qualcunque WikiLeaks, legal experts argue that there is no dance violation of law, and the group works in collaboration with leading newspapers (NYT, Guardian, Spiegel) to examine carefully the documents published - now less than 1% of cable and been released. "
The association calling for a "massive public mobilization in defense of basic democratic freedoms" and explains why signing the petition against these repressive actions that you can subscribe at this address: https: / / / en / wikileaks_petition /? vl
The text addressed to the U.S. and other governments and corporations involved in the repression against WikiLeaks says quote "We ask you to immediately stop the repression against WikiLeaks and its allies. We urge you to uphold respect for fundamental democratic principles and freedom of press and expression. If WikiLeaks and journalists with whom he collaborated have violated the law should be prosecuted in court with a fair trial. They should not be victims of a campaign of intimidation extra-judicial. "
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