The news of a desire to increase pressure on Pakistan was given yesterday morning, the New Yor Times, citing unnamed sources who are interpreters of the Administration's desire for a strong reaction to widespread frustration due to the lack of Pakistani cooperation hit in the sanctuaries of the guerrillas. The article also mentions the dissenting voices and does not hide the risks of an inevitable increase in tension between Washington and Islamabad. The plan has yet to green light but, warns the paper, somebody is making strong push for an escalation of clandestine operations that blatantly violate the territorial sovereignty of Pakistan and leading to major friction between Pakistani United States. The paper also makes mention of covert operations available to sign the Counterterrorism Teams Pursuit, essentially Afghan militia groups trained by the CIA and the U.S. from counter (would be at least six, including the NYT mentions Paktika Defense Force, active in Afghanistan and trained to special operations across the border). Among their tasks, to pull off incursions into Pakistan's tribal areas, bordering Afghanistan. This
"pachistanizzazione" of the conflict fought in the two countries would open a new front in the war then, or at least would strengthen the option that calls for greater pressure on Islamabad, which is referred to the note from the White House in December had not been mentioned although it stressed the importance of the strategy of targeted attacks. Since September, on the other, namely in three and a half months, the drones have conducted at least fifty of attacks in North Waziristan (seat of Taliban, al-Qaeda and affiliated to the Haqqani network) against 60 of the previous eight months.
If increased pressure on Pakistan like the Afghan government, the government of Karzai is not too convinced of the new American strategy. The presidential spokesman, Wahid Omar told reporters that even if there are parts of the dossier submitted by White House several days ago to gather the support of the Government, the review of strategy in Afghanistan is not paying sufficient attention to some problems, the first of which relates to civilian casualties. The government also complains about lack of attention to economic development and the banning of organizations "parallel" of contractors and, finally, that the ballyhooed successes by the administration remains "fragile and reversible". Among other things, it should be noted that between Kabul and Islamabad is under way in some way a negotiation on the future of the Afghan peace talks and an escalation of tension between Washington and Islamabad is likely to have setbacks in Afghanistan. The increase
of civilian casualties in Afghanistan, the Afghan Interior Ministry announced last week that has seen an increase of 76% of deaths in large part due to the bombs that guerrilla square along the roads to hit NATO military means. Taliban attacks also increased by 16%. But the topic of air strikes remains sensitive. A statement issued yesterday by Oxfam International (Afghanistan is one of the major NGOs present) the charity of British origin, as was noted in the Review of the White House had not found a place suitable for the protection of civilians, one of the "hot spots" on the international community should pin his attention.
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