La trasmissione dedicata da Radio Radicale a " Due pacifisti e un generale ", condotta da Francesco De Leo (Settimana internazionale) e andata in onda l'ultimo dell'anno
Friday, December 31, 2010
Period But No Armpit Hair
La trasmissione dedicata da Radio Radicale a " Due pacifisti e un generale ", condotta da Francesco De Leo (Settimana internazionale) e andata in onda l'ultimo dell'anno
La trasmissione dedicata da Radio Radicale a " Due pacifisti e un generale ", condotta da Francesco De Leo (Settimana internazionale) e andata in onda l'ultimo dell'anno
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Potato Chips Fructose Malabsorption
Under the guise of AL QAEDA SENT FROM YOUR
Se la guerra ad Al Qaeda e ai talebani diventa una scusa per regolare i conti interni con chi si oppone alla politica del governo, l'imbarazzo e la preoccupazione di chi quel governo sostiene ormai da dieci anni sono la prima logica conseguenza. E se i due paesi in questione sono il Pakistan e gli Stati uniti, da mesi ormai con rapporti molto tesi per la guerra agli islamisti in Afghanistan e all'interno del Paese dei puri, le cose si complicano.
Un nuovo elemento di frizione tra i due Paesi è emerso ieri sulle pagine del New York Times che ha ottenuto la sintesi di un rapporto presentato al Congresso dal Dipartimento di Stato il 23 novembre scorso. Un rapporto tenuto a lungo sotto traccia forse proprio per la tensione nei rapporti tra Islamabad e Washington, just revived the controversy following a complaint lodged in a Pakistani court against the local CIA chief (forced to pack), not to mention the dispute over the logistics of essential goods from the Pakistani port of Karachi to Afghanistan eo ' with the excessive moderation, according to the U.S., Islamabad responds to the challenge of Islamists, both foreign and home.
The report puts pen to paper the disappearance of hundreds of Taliban militants, but not only, in good part, the minority Baloch, the inhabitants of the western region on the border with Iran, at war with Islamabad for the Seventies the separation of Balochistan from Pakistan (or for the more Moderate greater autonomy).
Se la guerra ad Al Qaeda e ai talebani diventa una scusa per regolare i conti interni con chi si oppone alla politica del governo, l'imbarazzo e la preoccupazione di chi quel governo sostiene ormai da dieci anni sono la prima logica conseguenza. E se i due paesi in questione sono il Pakistan e gli Stati uniti, da mesi ormai con rapporti molto tesi per la guerra agli islamisti in Afghanistan e all'interno del Paese dei puri, le cose si complicano.
Un nuovo elemento di frizione tra i due Paesi è emerso ieri sulle pagine del New York Times che ha ottenuto la sintesi di un rapporto presentato al Congresso dal Dipartimento di Stato il 23 novembre scorso. Un rapporto tenuto a lungo sotto traccia forse proprio per la tensione nei rapporti tra Islamabad e Washington, just revived the controversy following a complaint lodged in a Pakistani court against the local CIA chief (forced to pack), not to mention the dispute over the logistics of essential goods from the Pakistani port of Karachi to Afghanistan eo ' with the excessive moderation, according to the U.S., Islamabad responds to the challenge of Islamists, both foreign and home.
The report puts pen to paper the disappearance of hundreds of Taliban militants, but not only, in good part, the minority Baloch, the inhabitants of the western region on the border with Iran, at war with Islamabad for the Seventies the separation of Balochistan from Pakistan (or for the more Moderate greater autonomy).
Potato Chips Fructose Malabsorption
Under the guise of AL QAEDA SENT FROM YOUR
Se la guerra ad Al Qaeda e ai talebani diventa una scusa per regolare i conti interni con chi si oppone alla politica del governo, l'imbarazzo e la preoccupazione di chi quel governo sostiene ormai da dieci anni sono la prima logica conseguenza. E se i due paesi in questione sono il Pakistan e gli Stati uniti, da mesi ormai con rapporti molto tesi per la guerra agli islamisti in Afghanistan e all'interno del Paese dei puri, le cose si complicano.
Un nuovo elemento di frizione tra i due Paesi è emerso ieri sulle pagine del New York Times che ha ottenuto la sintesi di un rapporto presentato al Congresso dal Dipartimento di Stato il 23 novembre scorso. Un rapporto tenuto a lungo sotto traccia forse proprio per la tensione nei rapporti tra Islamabad e Washington, just revived the controversy following a complaint lodged in a Pakistani court against the local CIA chief (forced to pack), not to mention the dispute over the logistics of essential goods from the Pakistani port of Karachi to Afghanistan eo ' with the excessive moderation, according to the U.S., Islamabad responds to the challenge of Islamists, both foreign and home.
The report puts pen to paper the disappearance of hundreds of Taliban militants, but not only, in good part, the minority Baloch, the inhabitants of the western region on the border with Iran, at war with Islamabad for the Seventies the separation of Balochistan from Pakistan (or for the more Moderate greater autonomy).
Se la guerra ad Al Qaeda e ai talebani diventa una scusa per regolare i conti interni con chi si oppone alla politica del governo, l'imbarazzo e la preoccupazione di chi quel governo sostiene ormai da dieci anni sono la prima logica conseguenza. E se i due paesi in questione sono il Pakistan e gli Stati uniti, da mesi ormai con rapporti molto tesi per la guerra agli islamisti in Afghanistan e all'interno del Paese dei puri, le cose si complicano.
Un nuovo elemento di frizione tra i due Paesi è emerso ieri sulle pagine del New York Times che ha ottenuto la sintesi di un rapporto presentato al Congresso dal Dipartimento di Stato il 23 novembre scorso. Un rapporto tenuto a lungo sotto traccia forse proprio per la tensione nei rapporti tra Islamabad e Washington, just revived the controversy following a complaint lodged in a Pakistani court against the local CIA chief (forced to pack), not to mention the dispute over the logistics of essential goods from the Pakistani port of Karachi to Afghanistan eo ' with the excessive moderation, according to the U.S., Islamabad responds to the challenge of Islamists, both foreign and home.
The report puts pen to paper the disappearance of hundreds of Taliban militants, but not only, in good part, the minority Baloch, the inhabitants of the western region on the border with Iran, at war with Islamabad for the Seventies the separation of Balochistan from Pakistan (or for the more Moderate greater autonomy).
Monday, December 27, 2010
Prosumer Digital Camcorder
E 'output a collection (the first) to report to Toni Fontana ("From our correspondent", published by the Unit, € 10) which was launched a few days ago in Rome. Apart from the preface that Veltroni is nothing which is that of Mario Marazziti that is not bad, many of the stories by Toni worth a (re) reading. Splendid job of stock of two of his colleagues of the Unit. I remember with pleasure and this morning I made a small tribute radio because Toni was one of the first items Radio3mondo
Prosumer Digital Camcorder
E 'output a collection (the first) to report to Toni Fontana ("From our correspondent", published by the Unit, € 10) which was launched a few days ago in Rome. Apart from the preface that Veltroni is nothing which is that of Mario Marazziti that is not bad, many of the stories by Toni worth a (re) reading. Splendid job of stock of two of his colleagues of the Unit. I remember with pleasure and this morning I made a small tribute radio because Toni was one of the first items Radio3mondo
Friday, December 24, 2010
Lexapro And Homicidal Ideation
The review of the strategy for Afghanistan White House presented Dec. 16 in a year when Obama announced for the first time the starting date of the withdrawal of troops, no big news. If anything, many gaps and omissions in the press and observers have noted since the advances are posted on the New York Times through the five-page summary of the long dossier. Also, just in the same hour, two reports related to the National Intelligence Estimates (NIE), then to sixteen U.S. intelligence agencies, put on paper what Obama had preferred to leave out, namely the role of Islamabad and the fragility of the Karzai government. Elements that American intelligence has taken over making it clear that, with a weak and corrupt government in Kabul and no more commitment to Islamabad, very reluctant to apply any American military effort is doomed to failure.
Obama has chosen to show the glass half full: out of Afghanistan, beginning in July 2011 confirmed the withdrawal but leaving with "responsibility" a country where U.S. and NATO are still making progress. Weaken Al Qaeda - said the bid - the Taliban held in check and increase government control the territory, while the Afghan army is growing at rates higher than NATO itself did not include (134mila achieved the goal of soldiers and policemen 109mila on their degree of preparation is well advanced, however, some reservations). But Kate Clark put it, a researcher in Afghanistan Analyst Network (an influential think tank Afghan), Obama has painted a scenario shiny as unreal, "you do not see how it could ensure" peace and stability "in a landscape that has seen in the Kandahar escalate the violence, the failure of the attempt - "trumpeted earlier this year" - to lead the state in Marjah district (Helmand Moshtarak objective of the operation) and the rampant insurgent activity "in both the North and in regions not Pashtun. "
The pitiless analysis of Klark shows at least two things: the first is that there is a considerable discrepancy from what you write relations and the reality on the ground. The second highlights, if ever one were needed, of what the administration is internally divided on what to do in Afghanistan (and Pakistan). A situation complicated by the death of Richard Holbrooke, the negotiator par excellence, for, truth, in recent months had seemed rather shady (perhaps because of an illness that required intervention at the end of more than twenty hours with negative results) obscured in statements and public appearances by Gen. David Petraeus who commands booming since last summer NATO troops and the Americans in Afghanistan.
As far as we know the situation on the ground has worsened. Do not say the only news coverage but at least two files of humanitarian organizations, not least the military - but who prefer to obscure the failures - they have a vision of the situation. According to the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) the conditions to carry out its mandate are never so much criticism in recent decades. The ICRC has made a picture in mid-December, which laments the growth of the displaced, the increase in civilian casualties and critical health conditions. Confirming that whole areas of the country, including in the North, are inaccessible to humanitarian action. The month before, 29 Afghan and international aid organizations have signed a document prepared by Oxfam and prepared per il vertice Nato di Lisbona del 19-20 novembre, in cui si mette il dito nella piaga della protezione dei civili afgani. Che non solo è disattesa ma che non sembra considerare l'effetto e l'impatto diretto sui civili della nuova terapia muscolare imposta da Petraeus. Secondo il dossier (Nowhere to Turn) gli aerei americani hanno sganciato tra bombe e missili 2100 ordigni solo tra giugno e settembre, con un incremento di circa il 50% rispetto all'anno precedente e con un aumento dell'11% delle vittime civili rispetto all'anno precedente.
Questi numeri (anche se i talebani restano la causa maggiore delle vittime civili) portano dritto alla seconda questione che riguarda l'equivoca strategia dell'Amministrazione americana. If up to the tenure of General McChrystal (Petraeus' predecessor), the military and diplomatic option seemed to run on parallel tracks at least, with the arrival of David, things have changed. If McChrystal had even changed the rules of engagement to avoid an increase in civilian casualties, if you had used the bombing to target more carefully, if he had chosen to always go hand in hand with Karzai and tribal leaders to win with the support of president, Petraeus has reversed course, until his arrival, seemed the same choice by Obama. Convinced, far more than that McChrystal to deal with the Taliban must be done from a position of strength limiting American casualties, Petraeus bombing resumed with greater vigor and without going too subtle. His relations with Karzai and the general are bad does not hide it. Rarely are photographed together and dialogue with tribal leaders chose Petraeus, and imposed on the Afghan government of arming militia groups in villages. The so-called "Iraqi option" so dear to the general as unpopular with many Afghans and European diplomats. The problem is that the results on the ground look the same, even much less, of those established six months ago.
In mid-stream military seems to fumble while also negotiating the option. After the beating of the fake Taliban Mohammed Mansour (a trader in Quetta for a man disguised dome of Omar and billed by 65 thousand dollars for each meeting with Karzai), it became clear to all the peace negotiations, heralded with great fanfare a couple of months ago, everything was but a pious wish. And to listen to Ahmed Rashid, who in a recent article in The New York Review of Books wrote a handbook of how it should be possible to articulate a deal (The Way Out of Afghanistan), the American administration there is no strategy in this regard , waiting, perhaps, that Petraeus on the military get what you can not tack on a political level. If we add boatos insistent that they want Obama, during his recent visit to Bagram for six hours during the night between 3 and 4 December, has not met with Karzai, with whom he met on the phone for 15 minutes, but even Abdullah, or the leader of the opposition to the president and some ministers and former ministers of the Karzai cabinet, the picture looks even more bleak. After resting, discredited and again supported Karzai now is back again in the blender and you would think, in spite of the elections that confirmed him, get him to bow out.
In this framework the "Strategic Policy Review" of the president was not surprised, but fresh water is a bad sign. If even the greatest actor of the conflict has clear ideas, is divided between hawks and doves, negotiators and cowboys, pro and anti-Karzai Karzai, not Wikileaks have to wait to see that the tenth year of the war is likely to pass as it passed the ninth.
The review of the strategy for Afghanistan White House presented Dec. 16 in a year when Obama announced for the first time the starting date of the withdrawal of troops, no big news. If anything, many gaps and omissions in the press and observers have noted since the advances are posted on the New York Times through the five-page summary of the long dossier. Also, just in the same hour, two reports related to the National Intelligence Estimates (NIE), then to sixteen U.S. intelligence agencies, put on paper what Obama had preferred to leave out, namely the role of Islamabad and the fragility of the Karzai government. Elements that American intelligence has taken over making it clear that, with a weak and corrupt government in Kabul and no more commitment to Islamabad, very reluctant to apply any American military effort is doomed to failure.
Obama has chosen to show the glass half full: out of Afghanistan, beginning in July 2011 confirmed the withdrawal but leaving with "responsibility" a country where U.S. and NATO are still making progress. Weaken Al Qaeda - said the bid - the Taliban held in check and increase government control the territory, while the Afghan army is growing at rates higher than NATO itself did not include (134mila achieved the goal of soldiers and policemen 109mila on their degree of preparation is well advanced, however, some reservations). But Kate Clark put it, a researcher in Afghanistan Analyst Network (an influential think tank Afghan), Obama has painted a scenario shiny as unreal, "you do not see how it could ensure" peace and stability "in a landscape that has seen in the Kandahar escalate the violence, the failure of the attempt - "trumpeted earlier this year" - to lead the state in Marjah district (Helmand Moshtarak objective of the operation) and the rampant insurgent activity "in both the North and in regions not Pashtun. "
The pitiless analysis of Klark shows at least two things: the first is that there is a considerable discrepancy from what you write relations and the reality on the ground. The second highlights, if ever one were needed, of what the administration is internally divided on what to do in Afghanistan (and Pakistan). A situation complicated by the death of Richard Holbrooke, the negotiator par excellence, for, truth, in recent months had seemed rather shady (perhaps because of an illness that required intervention at the end of more than twenty hours with negative results) obscured in statements and public appearances by Gen. David Petraeus who commands booming since last summer NATO troops and the Americans in Afghanistan.
As far as we know the situation on the ground has worsened. Do not say the only news coverage but at least two files of humanitarian organizations, not least the military - but who prefer to obscure the failures - they have a vision of the situation. According to the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) the conditions to carry out its mandate are never so much criticism in recent decades. The ICRC has made a picture in mid-December, which laments the growth of the displaced, the increase in civilian casualties and critical health conditions. Confirming that whole areas of the country, including in the North, are inaccessible to humanitarian action. The month before, 29 Afghan and international aid organizations have signed a document prepared by Oxfam and prepared per il vertice Nato di Lisbona del 19-20 novembre, in cui si mette il dito nella piaga della protezione dei civili afgani. Che non solo è disattesa ma che non sembra considerare l'effetto e l'impatto diretto sui civili della nuova terapia muscolare imposta da Petraeus. Secondo il dossier (Nowhere to Turn) gli aerei americani hanno sganciato tra bombe e missili 2100 ordigni solo tra giugno e settembre, con un incremento di circa il 50% rispetto all'anno precedente e con un aumento dell'11% delle vittime civili rispetto all'anno precedente.
Questi numeri (anche se i talebani restano la causa maggiore delle vittime civili) portano dritto alla seconda questione che riguarda l'equivoca strategia dell'Amministrazione americana. If up to the tenure of General McChrystal (Petraeus' predecessor), the military and diplomatic option seemed to run on parallel tracks at least, with the arrival of David, things have changed. If McChrystal had even changed the rules of engagement to avoid an increase in civilian casualties, if you had used the bombing to target more carefully, if he had chosen to always go hand in hand with Karzai and tribal leaders to win with the support of president, Petraeus has reversed course, until his arrival, seemed the same choice by Obama. Convinced, far more than that McChrystal to deal with the Taliban must be done from a position of strength limiting American casualties, Petraeus bombing resumed with greater vigor and without going too subtle. His relations with Karzai and the general are bad does not hide it. Rarely are photographed together and dialogue with tribal leaders chose Petraeus, and imposed on the Afghan government of arming militia groups in villages. The so-called "Iraqi option" so dear to the general as unpopular with many Afghans and European diplomats. The problem is that the results on the ground look the same, even much less, of those established six months ago.
In mid-stream military seems to fumble while also negotiating the option. After the beating of the fake Taliban Mohammed Mansour (a trader in Quetta for a man disguised dome of Omar and billed by 65 thousand dollars for each meeting with Karzai), it became clear to all the peace negotiations, heralded with great fanfare a couple of months ago, everything was but a pious wish. And to listen to Ahmed Rashid, who in a recent article in The New York Review of Books wrote a handbook of how it should be possible to articulate a deal (The Way Out of Afghanistan), the American administration there is no strategy in this regard , waiting, perhaps, that Petraeus on the military get what you can not tack on a political level. If we add boatos insistent that they want Obama, during his recent visit to Bagram for six hours during the night between 3 and 4 December, has not met with Karzai, with whom he met on the phone for 15 minutes, but even Abdullah, or the leader of the opposition to the president and some ministers and former ministers of the Karzai cabinet, the picture looks even more bleak. After resting, discredited and again supported Karzai now is back again in the blender and you would think, in spite of the elections that confirmed him, get him to bow out.
In this framework the "Strategic Policy Review" of the president was not surprised, but fresh water is a bad sign. If even the greatest actor of the conflict has clear ideas, is divided between hawks and doves, negotiators and cowboys, pro and anti-Karzai Karzai, not Wikileaks have to wait to see that the tenth year of the war is likely to pass as it passed the ninth.
Lexapro And Homicidal Ideation
The review of the strategy for Afghanistan White House presented Dec. 16 in a year when Obama announced for the first time the starting date of the withdrawal of troops, no big news. If anything, many gaps and omissions in the press and observers have noted since the advances are posted on the New York Times through the five-page summary of the long dossier. Also, just in the same hour, two reports related to the National Intelligence Estimates (NIE), then to sixteen U.S. intelligence agencies, put on paper what Obama had preferred to leave out, namely the role of Islamabad and the fragility of the Karzai government. Elements that American intelligence has taken over making it clear that, with a weak and corrupt government in Kabul and no more commitment to Islamabad, very reluctant to apply any American military effort is doomed to failure.
Obama has chosen to show the glass half full: out of Afghanistan, beginning in July 2011 confirmed the withdrawal but leaving with "responsibility" a country where U.S. and NATO are still making progress. Weaken Al Qaeda - said the bid - the Taliban held in check and increase government control the territory, while the Afghan army is growing at rates higher than NATO itself did not include (134mila achieved the goal of soldiers and policemen 109mila on their degree of preparation is well advanced, however, some reservations). But Kate Clark put it, a researcher in Afghanistan Analyst Network (an influential think tank Afghan), Obama has painted a scenario shiny as unreal, "you do not see how it could ensure" peace and stability "in a landscape that has seen in the Kandahar escalate the violence, the failure of the attempt - "trumpeted earlier this year" - to lead the state in Marjah district (Helmand Moshtarak objective of the operation) and the rampant insurgent activity "in both the North and in regions not Pashtun. "
The pitiless analysis of Klark shows at least two things: the first is that there is a considerable discrepancy from what you write relations and the reality on the ground. The second highlights, if ever one were needed, of what the administration is internally divided on what to do in Afghanistan (and Pakistan). A situation complicated by the death of Richard Holbrooke, the negotiator par excellence, for, truth, in recent months had seemed rather shady (perhaps because of an illness that required intervention at the end of more than twenty hours with negative results) obscured in statements and public appearances by Gen. David Petraeus who commands booming since last summer NATO troops and the Americans in Afghanistan.
As far as we know the situation on the ground has worsened. Do not say the only news coverage but at least two files of humanitarian organizations, not least the military - but who prefer to obscure the failures - they have a vision of the situation. According to the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) the conditions to carry out its mandate are never so much criticism in recent decades. The ICRC has made a picture in mid-December, which laments the growth of the displaced, the increase in civilian casualties and critical health conditions. Confirming that whole areas of the country, including in the North, are inaccessible to humanitarian action. The month before, 29 Afghan and international aid organizations have signed a document prepared by Oxfam and prepared per il vertice Nato di Lisbona del 19-20 novembre, in cui si mette il dito nella piaga della protezione dei civili afgani. Che non solo è disattesa ma che non sembra considerare l'effetto e l'impatto diretto sui civili della nuova terapia muscolare imposta da Petraeus. Secondo il dossier (Nowhere to Turn) gli aerei americani hanno sganciato tra bombe e missili 2100 ordigni solo tra giugno e settembre, con un incremento di circa il 50% rispetto all'anno precedente e con un aumento dell'11% delle vittime civili rispetto all'anno precedente.
Questi numeri (anche se i talebani restano la causa maggiore delle vittime civili) portano dritto alla seconda questione che riguarda l'equivoca strategia dell'Amministrazione americana. If up to the tenure of General McChrystal (Petraeus' predecessor), the military and diplomatic option seemed to run on parallel tracks at least, with the arrival of David, things have changed. If McChrystal had even changed the rules of engagement to avoid an increase in civilian casualties, if you had used the bombing to target more carefully, if he had chosen to always go hand in hand with Karzai and tribal leaders to win with the support of president, Petraeus has reversed course, until his arrival, seemed the same choice by Obama. Convinced, far more than that McChrystal to deal with the Taliban must be done from a position of strength limiting American casualties, Petraeus bombing resumed with greater vigor and without going too subtle. His relations with Karzai and the general are bad does not hide it. Rarely are photographed together and dialogue with tribal leaders chose Petraeus, and imposed on the Afghan government of arming militia groups in villages. The so-called "Iraqi option" so dear to the general as unpopular with many Afghans and European diplomats. The problem is that the results on the ground look the same, even much less, of those established six months ago.
In mid-stream military seems to fumble while also negotiating the option. After the beating of the fake Taliban Mohammed Mansour (a trader in Quetta for a man disguised dome of Omar and billed by 65 thousand dollars for each meeting with Karzai), it became clear to all the peace negotiations, heralded with great fanfare a couple of months ago, everything was but a pious wish. And to listen to Ahmed Rashid, who in a recent article in The New York Review of Books wrote a handbook of how it should be possible to articulate a deal (The Way Out of Afghanistan), the American administration there is no strategy in this regard , waiting, perhaps, that Petraeus on the military get what you can not tack on a political level. If we add boatos insistent that they want Obama, during his recent visit to Bagram for six hours during the night between 3 and 4 December, has not met with Karzai, with whom he met on the phone for 15 minutes, but even Abdullah, or the leader of the opposition to the president and some ministers and former ministers of the Karzai cabinet, the picture looks even more bleak. After resting, discredited and again supported Karzai now is back again in the blender and you would think, in spite of the elections that confirmed him, get him to bow out.
In this framework the "Strategic Policy Review" of the president was not surprised, but fresh water is a bad sign. If even the greatest actor of the conflict has clear ideas, is divided between hawks and doves, negotiators and cowboys, pro and anti-Karzai Karzai, not Wikileaks have to wait to see that the tenth year of the war is likely to pass as it passed the ninth.
The review of the strategy for Afghanistan White House presented Dec. 16 in a year when Obama announced for the first time the starting date of the withdrawal of troops, no big news. If anything, many gaps and omissions in the press and observers have noted since the advances are posted on the New York Times through the five-page summary of the long dossier. Also, just in the same hour, two reports related to the National Intelligence Estimates (NIE), then to sixteen U.S. intelligence agencies, put on paper what Obama had preferred to leave out, namely the role of Islamabad and the fragility of the Karzai government. Elements that American intelligence has taken over making it clear that, with a weak and corrupt government in Kabul and no more commitment to Islamabad, very reluctant to apply any American military effort is doomed to failure.
Obama has chosen to show the glass half full: out of Afghanistan, beginning in July 2011 confirmed the withdrawal but leaving with "responsibility" a country where U.S. and NATO are still making progress. Weaken Al Qaeda - said the bid - the Taliban held in check and increase government control the territory, while the Afghan army is growing at rates higher than NATO itself did not include (134mila achieved the goal of soldiers and policemen 109mila on their degree of preparation is well advanced, however, some reservations). But Kate Clark put it, a researcher in Afghanistan Analyst Network (an influential think tank Afghan), Obama has painted a scenario shiny as unreal, "you do not see how it could ensure" peace and stability "in a landscape that has seen in the Kandahar escalate the violence, the failure of the attempt - "trumpeted earlier this year" - to lead the state in Marjah district (Helmand Moshtarak objective of the operation) and the rampant insurgent activity "in both the North and in regions not Pashtun. "
The pitiless analysis of Klark shows at least two things: the first is that there is a considerable discrepancy from what you write relations and the reality on the ground. The second highlights, if ever one were needed, of what the administration is internally divided on what to do in Afghanistan (and Pakistan). A situation complicated by the death of Richard Holbrooke, the negotiator par excellence, for, truth, in recent months had seemed rather shady (perhaps because of an illness that required intervention at the end of more than twenty hours with negative results) obscured in statements and public appearances by Gen. David Petraeus who commands booming since last summer NATO troops and the Americans in Afghanistan.
As far as we know the situation on the ground has worsened. Do not say the only news coverage but at least two files of humanitarian organizations, not least the military - but who prefer to obscure the failures - they have a vision of the situation. According to the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) the conditions to carry out its mandate are never so much criticism in recent decades. The ICRC has made a picture in mid-December, which laments the growth of the displaced, the increase in civilian casualties and critical health conditions. Confirming that whole areas of the country, including in the North, are inaccessible to humanitarian action. The month before, 29 Afghan and international aid organizations have signed a document prepared by Oxfam and prepared per il vertice Nato di Lisbona del 19-20 novembre, in cui si mette il dito nella piaga della protezione dei civili afgani. Che non solo è disattesa ma che non sembra considerare l'effetto e l'impatto diretto sui civili della nuova terapia muscolare imposta da Petraeus. Secondo il dossier (Nowhere to Turn) gli aerei americani hanno sganciato tra bombe e missili 2100 ordigni solo tra giugno e settembre, con un incremento di circa il 50% rispetto all'anno precedente e con un aumento dell'11% delle vittime civili rispetto all'anno precedente.
Questi numeri (anche se i talebani restano la causa maggiore delle vittime civili) portano dritto alla seconda questione che riguarda l'equivoca strategia dell'Amministrazione americana. If up to the tenure of General McChrystal (Petraeus' predecessor), the military and diplomatic option seemed to run on parallel tracks at least, with the arrival of David, things have changed. If McChrystal had even changed the rules of engagement to avoid an increase in civilian casualties, if you had used the bombing to target more carefully, if he had chosen to always go hand in hand with Karzai and tribal leaders to win with the support of president, Petraeus has reversed course, until his arrival, seemed the same choice by Obama. Convinced, far more than that McChrystal to deal with the Taliban must be done from a position of strength limiting American casualties, Petraeus bombing resumed with greater vigor and without going too subtle. His relations with Karzai and the general are bad does not hide it. Rarely are photographed together and dialogue with tribal leaders chose Petraeus, and imposed on the Afghan government of arming militia groups in villages. The so-called "Iraqi option" so dear to the general as unpopular with many Afghans and European diplomats. The problem is that the results on the ground look the same, even much less, of those established six months ago.
In mid-stream military seems to fumble while also negotiating the option. After the beating of the fake Taliban Mohammed Mansour (a trader in Quetta for a man disguised dome of Omar and billed by 65 thousand dollars for each meeting with Karzai), it became clear to all the peace negotiations, heralded with great fanfare a couple of months ago, everything was but a pious wish. And to listen to Ahmed Rashid, who in a recent article in The New York Review of Books wrote a handbook of how it should be possible to articulate a deal (The Way Out of Afghanistan), the American administration there is no strategy in this regard , waiting, perhaps, that Petraeus on the military get what you can not tack on a political level. If we add boatos insistent that they want Obama, during his recent visit to Bagram for six hours during the night between 3 and 4 December, has not met with Karzai, with whom he met on the phone for 15 minutes, but even Abdullah, or the leader of the opposition to the president and some ministers and former ministers of the Karzai cabinet, the picture looks even more bleak. After resting, discredited and again supported Karzai now is back again in the blender and you would think, in spite of the elections that confirmed him, get him to bow out.
In this framework the "Strategic Policy Review" of the president was not surprised, but fresh water is a bad sign. If even the greatest actor of the conflict has clear ideas, is divided between hawks and doves, negotiators and cowboys, pro and anti-Karzai Karzai, not Wikileaks have to wait to see that the tenth year of the war is likely to pass as it passed the ninth.
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Tae Quan Do Belt Rack
Even as the government of Hamid Karzai announces data on the increase - 76% in the past week alone - of civilian casualties in Afghanistan, the U.S. government is preparing to push even more so-called strategy of the drones, the use of targeted killings that with pilotless planes, and special operations forces in Pakistani territory. The choice for Pakistan but obviously involves Afghanistan, and because it is the point of departure of aircraft and ground commandos, and because even the policy of bombing in Afghanistan, confirmed the strategic review announced by the White House December 16, remains a highly critical.
The news of a desire to increase pressure on Pakistan was given yesterday morning, the New Yor Times, citing unnamed sources who are interpreters of the Administration's desire for a strong reaction to widespread frustration due to the lack of Pakistani cooperation hit in the sanctuaries of the guerrillas. The article also mentions the dissenting voices and does not hide the risks of an inevitable increase in tension between Washington and Islamabad. The plan has yet to green light but, warns the paper, somebody is making strong push for an escalation of clandestine operations that blatantly violate the territorial sovereignty of Pakistan and leading to major friction between Pakistani United States. The paper also makes mention of covert operations available to sign the Counterterrorism Teams Pursuit, essentially Afghan militia groups trained by the CIA and the U.S. from counter (would be at least six, including the NYT mentions Paktika Defense Force, active in Afghanistan and trained to special operations across the border). Among their tasks, to pull off incursions into Pakistan's tribal areas, bordering Afghanistan. This
"pachistanizzazione" of the conflict fought in the two countries would open a new front in the war then, or at least would strengthen the option that calls for greater pressure on Islamabad, which is referred to the note from the White House in December had not been mentioned although it stressed the importance of the strategy of targeted attacks. Since September, on the other, namely in three and a half months, the drones have conducted at least fifty of attacks in North Waziristan (seat of Taliban, al-Qaeda and affiliated to the Haqqani network) against 60 of the previous eight months.
If increased pressure on Pakistan like the Afghan government, the government of Karzai is not too convinced of the new American strategy. The presidential spokesman, Wahid Omar told reporters that even if there are parts of the dossier submitted by White House several days ago to gather the support of the Government, the review of strategy in Afghanistan is not paying sufficient attention to some problems, the first of which relates to civilian casualties. The government also complains about lack of attention to economic development and the banning of organizations "parallel" of contractors and, finally, that the ballyhooed successes by the administration remains "fragile and reversible". Among other things, it should be noted that between Kabul and Islamabad is under way in some way a negotiation on the future of the Afghan peace talks and an escalation of tension between Washington and Islamabad is likely to have setbacks in Afghanistan. The increase
of civilian casualties in Afghanistan, the Afghan Interior Ministry announced last week that has seen an increase of 76% of deaths in large part due to the bombs that guerrilla square along the roads to hit NATO military means. Taliban attacks also increased by 16%. But the topic of air strikes remains sensitive. A statement issued yesterday by Oxfam International (Afghanistan is one of the major NGOs present) the charity of British origin, as was noted in the Review of the White House had not found a place suitable for the protection of civilians, one of the "hot spots" on the international community should pin his attention.
Even as the government of Hamid Karzai announces data on the increase - 76% in the past week alone - of civilian casualties in Afghanistan, the U.S. government is preparing to push even more so-called strategy of the drones, the use of targeted killings that with pilotless planes, and special operations forces in Pakistani territory. The choice for Pakistan but obviously involves Afghanistan, and because it is the point of departure of aircraft and ground commandos, and because even the policy of bombing in Afghanistan, confirmed the strategic review announced by the White House December 16, remains a highly critical.
The news of a desire to increase pressure on Pakistan was given yesterday morning, the New Yor Times, citing unnamed sources who are interpreters of the Administration's desire for a strong reaction to widespread frustration due to the lack of Pakistani cooperation hit in the sanctuaries of the guerrillas. The article also mentions the dissenting voices and does not hide the risks of an inevitable increase in tension between Washington and Islamabad. The plan has yet to green light but, warns the paper, somebody is making strong push for an escalation of clandestine operations that blatantly violate the territorial sovereignty of Pakistan and leading to major friction between Pakistani United States. The paper also makes mention of covert operations available to sign the Counterterrorism Teams Pursuit, essentially Afghan militia groups trained by the CIA and the U.S. from counter (would be at least six, including the NYT mentions Paktika Defense Force, active in Afghanistan and trained to special operations across the border). Among their tasks, to pull off incursions into Pakistan's tribal areas, bordering Afghanistan. This
"pachistanizzazione" of the conflict fought in the two countries would open a new front in the war then, or at least would strengthen the option that calls for greater pressure on Islamabad, which is referred to the note from the White House in December had not been mentioned although it stressed the importance of the strategy of targeted attacks. Since September, on the other, namely in three and a half months, the drones have conducted at least fifty of attacks in North Waziristan (seat of Taliban, al-Qaeda and affiliated to the Haqqani network) against 60 of the previous eight months.
If increased pressure on Pakistan like the Afghan government, the government of Karzai is not too convinced of the new American strategy. The presidential spokesman, Wahid Omar told reporters that even if there are parts of the dossier submitted by White House several days ago to gather the support of the Government, the review of strategy in Afghanistan is not paying sufficient attention to some problems, the first of which relates to civilian casualties. The government also complains about lack of attention to economic development and the banning of organizations "parallel" of contractors and, finally, that the ballyhooed successes by the administration remains "fragile and reversible". Among other things, it should be noted that between Kabul and Islamabad is under way in some way a negotiation on the future of the Afghan peace talks and an escalation of tension between Washington and Islamabad is likely to have setbacks in Afghanistan. The increase
of civilian casualties in Afghanistan, the Afghan Interior Ministry announced last week that has seen an increase of 76% of deaths in large part due to the bombs that guerrilla square along the roads to hit NATO military means. Taliban attacks also increased by 16%. But the topic of air strikes remains sensitive. A statement issued yesterday by Oxfam International (Afghanistan is one of the major NGOs present) the charity of British origin, as was noted in the Review of the White House had not found a place suitable for the protection of civilians, one of the "hot spots" on the international community should pin his attention.
Tae Quan Do Belt Rack
Even as the government of Hamid Karzai announces data on the increase - 76% in the past week alone - of civilian casualties in Afghanistan, the U.S. government is preparing to push even more so-called strategy of the drones, the use of targeted killings that with pilotless planes, and special operations forces in Pakistani territory. The choice for Pakistan but obviously involves Afghanistan, and because it is the point of departure of aircraft and ground commandos, and because even the policy of bombing in Afghanistan, confirmed the strategic review announced by the White House December 16, remains a highly critical.
The news of a desire to increase pressure on Pakistan was given yesterday morning, the New Yor Times, citing unnamed sources who are interpreters of the Administration's desire for a strong reaction to widespread frustration due to the lack of Pakistani cooperation hit in the sanctuaries of the guerrillas. The article also mentions the dissenting voices and does not hide the risks of an inevitable increase in tension between Washington and Islamabad. The plan has yet to green light but, warns the paper, somebody is making strong push for an escalation of clandestine operations that blatantly violate the territorial sovereignty of Pakistan and leading to major friction between Pakistani United States. The paper also makes mention of covert operations available to sign the Counterterrorism Teams Pursuit, essentially Afghan militia groups trained by the CIA and the U.S. from counter (would be at least six, including the NYT mentions Paktika Defense Force, active in Afghanistan and trained to special operations across the border). Among their tasks, to pull off incursions into Pakistan's tribal areas, bordering Afghanistan. This
"pachistanizzazione" of the conflict fought in the two countries would open a new front in the war then, or at least would strengthen the option that calls for greater pressure on Islamabad, which is referred to the note from the White House in December had not been mentioned although it stressed the importance of the strategy of targeted attacks. Since September, on the other, namely in three and a half months, the drones have conducted at least fifty of attacks in North Waziristan (seat of Taliban, al-Qaeda and affiliated to the Haqqani network) against 60 of the previous eight months.
If increased pressure on Pakistan like the Afghan government, the government of Karzai is not too convinced of the new American strategy. The presidential spokesman, Wahid Omar told reporters that even if there are parts of the dossier submitted by White House several days ago to gather the support of the Government, the review of strategy in Afghanistan is not paying sufficient attention to some problems, the first of which relates to civilian casualties. The government also complains about lack of attention to economic development and the banning of organizations "parallel" of contractors and, finally, that the ballyhooed successes by the administration remains "fragile and reversible". Among other things, it should be noted that between Kabul and Islamabad is under way in some way a negotiation on the future of the Afghan peace talks and an escalation of tension between Washington and Islamabad is likely to have setbacks in Afghanistan. The increase
of civilian casualties in Afghanistan, the Afghan Interior Ministry announced last week that has seen an increase of 76% of deaths in large part due to the bombs that guerrilla square along the roads to hit NATO military means. Taliban attacks also increased by 16%. But the topic of air strikes remains sensitive. A statement issued yesterday by Oxfam International (Afghanistan is one of the major NGOs present) the charity of British origin, as was noted in the Review of the White House had not found a place suitable for the protection of civilians, one of the "hot spots" on the international community should pin his attention.
Even as the government of Hamid Karzai announces data on the increase - 76% in the past week alone - of civilian casualties in Afghanistan, the U.S. government is preparing to push even more so-called strategy of the drones, the use of targeted killings that with pilotless planes, and special operations forces in Pakistani territory. The choice for Pakistan but obviously involves Afghanistan, and because it is the point of departure of aircraft and ground commandos, and because even the policy of bombing in Afghanistan, confirmed the strategic review announced by the White House December 16, remains a highly critical.
The news of a desire to increase pressure on Pakistan was given yesterday morning, the New Yor Times, citing unnamed sources who are interpreters of the Administration's desire for a strong reaction to widespread frustration due to the lack of Pakistani cooperation hit in the sanctuaries of the guerrillas. The article also mentions the dissenting voices and does not hide the risks of an inevitable increase in tension between Washington and Islamabad. The plan has yet to green light but, warns the paper, somebody is making strong push for an escalation of clandestine operations that blatantly violate the territorial sovereignty of Pakistan and leading to major friction between Pakistani United States. The paper also makes mention of covert operations available to sign the Counterterrorism Teams Pursuit, essentially Afghan militia groups trained by the CIA and the U.S. from counter (would be at least six, including the NYT mentions Paktika Defense Force, active in Afghanistan and trained to special operations across the border). Among their tasks, to pull off incursions into Pakistan's tribal areas, bordering Afghanistan. This
"pachistanizzazione" of the conflict fought in the two countries would open a new front in the war then, or at least would strengthen the option that calls for greater pressure on Islamabad, which is referred to the note from the White House in December had not been mentioned although it stressed the importance of the strategy of targeted attacks. Since September, on the other, namely in three and a half months, the drones have conducted at least fifty of attacks in North Waziristan (seat of Taliban, al-Qaeda and affiliated to the Haqqani network) against 60 of the previous eight months.
If increased pressure on Pakistan like the Afghan government, the government of Karzai is not too convinced of the new American strategy. The presidential spokesman, Wahid Omar told reporters that even if there are parts of the dossier submitted by White House several days ago to gather the support of the Government, the review of strategy in Afghanistan is not paying sufficient attention to some problems, the first of which relates to civilian casualties. The government also complains about lack of attention to economic development and the banning of organizations "parallel" of contractors and, finally, that the ballyhooed successes by the administration remains "fragile and reversible". Among other things, it should be noted that between Kabul and Islamabad is under way in some way a negotiation on the future of the Afghan peace talks and an escalation of tension between Washington and Islamabad is likely to have setbacks in Afghanistan. The increase
of civilian casualties in Afghanistan, the Afghan Interior Ministry announced last week that has seen an increase of 76% of deaths in large part due to the bombs that guerrilla square along the roads to hit NATO military means. Taliban attacks also increased by 16%. But the topic of air strikes remains sensitive. A statement issued yesterday by Oxfam International (Afghanistan is one of the major NGOs present) the charity of British origin, as was noted in the Review of the White House had not found a place suitable for the protection of civilians, one of the "hot spots" on the international community should pin his attention.
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Where Can I Sell My Poems
At 11 this morning Italian time were already more than 693 000 signatures collected from the site (which specializes in providing petition) in favor of Julian Assange, the creator of Wikileaks. "The campaign of intimidation waged against Wikileaks is a dangerous assault on our freedom of press and expression - says the appeal on which it is stated that - do you think of Qualcunque WikiLeaks, legal experts argue that there is no dance violation of law, and the group works in collaboration with leading newspapers (NYT, Guardian, Spiegel) to examine carefully the documents published - now less than 1% of cable and been released. "
The association calling for a "massive public mobilization in defense of basic democratic freedoms" and explains why signing the petition against these repressive actions that you can subscribe at this address: https: / / / en / wikileaks_petition /? vl
The text addressed to the U.S. and other governments and corporations involved in the repression against WikiLeaks says quote "We ask you to immediately stop the repression against WikiLeaks and its allies. We urge you to uphold respect for fundamental democratic principles and freedom of press and expression. If WikiLeaks and journalists with whom he collaborated have violated the law should be prosecuted in court with a fair trial. They should not be victims of a campaign of intimidation extra-judicial. "
At 11 this morning Italian time were already more than 693 000 signatures collected from the site (which specializes in providing petition) in favor of Julian Assange, the creator of Wikileaks. "The campaign of intimidation waged against Wikileaks is a dangerous assault on our freedom of press and expression - says the appeal on which it is stated that - do you think of Qualcunque WikiLeaks, legal experts argue that there is no dance violation of law, and the group works in collaboration with leading newspapers (NYT, Guardian, Spiegel) to examine carefully the documents published - now less than 1% of cable and been released. "
The association calling for a "massive public mobilization in defense of basic democratic freedoms" and explains why signing the petition against these repressive actions that you can subscribe at this address: https: / / / en / wikileaks_petition /? vl
The text addressed to the U.S. and other governments and corporations involved in the repression against WikiLeaks says quote "We ask you to immediately stop the repression against WikiLeaks and its allies. We urge you to uphold respect for fundamental democratic principles and freedom of press and expression. If WikiLeaks and journalists with whom he collaborated have violated the law should be prosecuted in court with a fair trial. They should not be victims of a campaign of intimidation extra-judicial. "
Where Can I Sell My Poems
At 11 this morning Italian time were already more than 693 000 signatures collected from the site (which specializes in providing petition) in favor of Julian Assange, the creator of Wikileaks. "The campaign of intimidation waged against Wikileaks is a dangerous assault on our freedom of press and expression - says the appeal on which it is stated that - do you think of Qualcunque WikiLeaks, legal experts argue that there is no dance violation of law, and the group works in collaboration with leading newspapers (NYT, Guardian, Spiegel) to examine carefully the documents published - now less than 1% of cable and been released. "
The association calling for a "massive public mobilization in defense of basic democratic freedoms" and explains why signing the petition against these repressive actions that you can subscribe at this address: https: / / / en / wikileaks_petition /? vl
The text addressed to the U.S. and other governments and corporations involved in the repression against WikiLeaks says quote "We ask you to immediately stop the repression against WikiLeaks and its allies. We urge you to uphold respect for fundamental democratic principles and freedom of press and expression. If WikiLeaks and journalists with whom he collaborated have violated the law should be prosecuted in court with a fair trial. They should not be victims of a campaign of intimidation extra-judicial. "
At 11 this morning Italian time were already more than 693 000 signatures collected from the site (which specializes in providing petition) in favor of Julian Assange, the creator of Wikileaks. "The campaign of intimidation waged against Wikileaks is a dangerous assault on our freedom of press and expression - says the appeal on which it is stated that - do you think of Qualcunque WikiLeaks, legal experts argue that there is no dance violation of law, and the group works in collaboration with leading newspapers (NYT, Guardian, Spiegel) to examine carefully the documents published - now less than 1% of cable and been released. "
The association calling for a "massive public mobilization in defense of basic democratic freedoms" and explains why signing the petition against these repressive actions that you can subscribe at this address: https: / / / en / wikileaks_petition /? vl
The text addressed to the U.S. and other governments and corporations involved in the repression against WikiLeaks says quote "We ask you to immediately stop the repression against WikiLeaks and its allies. We urge you to uphold respect for fundamental democratic principles and freedom of press and expression. If WikiLeaks and journalists with whom he collaborated have violated the law should be prosecuted in court with a fair trial. They should not be victims of a campaign of intimidation extra-judicial. "
Friday, December 17, 2010
Pregnant Getting Foot Cramps
While Barack Obama makes a show of optimism and raised the American strategy for 2011 confirming the withdrawal and a mix of bombings aimed at keeping pressure on Al Qaeda in Kabul wears an unprecedented institutional crisis. Abdullah Abdullah, the ultimate opponent of President Hamid Karzai, has accused the Attorney General, who had contested the results of the elections in May, a silence that encourages the deadlock and prevent the new parliament to begin its work. Karzai said that the niche and malignant parliament the current president did not like and that, despite the fraud, does not guarantee that the majority wanted. He returned the formalization of the new elected and would be using the conflict between the prosecution and the electoral commission to buy time.
The crisis in Kabul is a reflection not only of the difficulties of Karzai, but also those of Obama, who has confirmed the start of the withdrawal in July 2011 and highlights significant progress against al-Qaeda and the Taliban, while the ' Afghan army would grow at rates higher than provided for NATO itself. But the analysis of Obama does not correspond to those far more pitiless observers: Kate Clark of Afghanistan Analyst Network, the scenario di Obama è “luccicante quanto irreale” e non si vede come potrà “portare pace e stabilità”. L'Afghanistan continua ad essere insomma in ebollizione e il pantano della guerra sembra senza soluzione anche se i leader (occidentali) delle forze in campo hanno sempre cercato di aggiustare le cose nei Palazzi.
Un nuovo spunto lo fornisce Wikileaks coi cablogrammi che da Bruxelles andavano a Washington. Quello che riguarda una riunione del dicembre scorso, in cui figura anche l'ex ambasciatore italiano Ettore Serqui (all'epoca inviato speciale Ue a Kabul), raccontano proprio i particolari pre elettorali. Alla riunione partecipava Richard Holbrooke, il negoziatore americano died a few days ago, the Swedish Foreign Minister Carl Bildt (Sweden was the presidency of the EU), both showing a healthy realism, they repeated what I said a year ago during the presidential elections that were postponed at least that of few months to ensure transparency and proper electoral process. Sequi was also agreed that the present so they accepted his advice was to make sure that in case of referral, Karzai would not lose face in front of the international community. That did not in fact a scapegoat. But then, probably under pressure from other members of the U.S. (Ambassador to Kabul for example Eikenberry, who was on a collision course with the Europeans), won the argument and all costs of elections immediately.
The story reveals many things: how much was actually isolated Holbrooke that his administration had chosen him as special envoy. How Europeans were potentially the most reasonable Americans and the role of Turkey, while playing to team up with Europe, was very close to the positions of Karzai, including another well enough to even Sequi. But it also explains the hatred of Eikenberry Bildt with the Europeans because they opposed his desire to play an important role in the NATO headquarters in Kabul that the EU wanted less American. There's also Catherine Ashton, the current chief diplomat European Union. Bildt was caustic: excellent for bureaucratic battles ... but with no knowledge of foreign policy.
While Barack Obama makes a show of optimism and raised the American strategy for 2011 confirming the withdrawal and a mix of bombings aimed at keeping pressure on Al Qaeda in Kabul wears an unprecedented institutional crisis. Abdullah Abdullah, the ultimate opponent of President Hamid Karzai, has accused the Attorney General, who had contested the results of the elections in May, a silence that encourages the deadlock and prevent the new parliament to begin its work. Karzai said that the niche and malignant parliament the current president did not like and that, despite the fraud, does not guarantee that the majority wanted. He returned the formalization of the new elected and would be using the conflict between the prosecution and the electoral commission to buy time.
The crisis in Kabul is a reflection not only of the difficulties of Karzai, but also those of Obama, who has confirmed the start of the withdrawal in July 2011 and highlights significant progress against al-Qaeda and the Taliban, while the ' Afghan army would grow at rates higher than provided for NATO itself. But the analysis of Obama does not correspond to those far more pitiless observers: Kate Clark of Afghanistan Analyst Network, the scenario di Obama è “luccicante quanto irreale” e non si vede come potrà “portare pace e stabilità”. L'Afghanistan continua ad essere insomma in ebollizione e il pantano della guerra sembra senza soluzione anche se i leader (occidentali) delle forze in campo hanno sempre cercato di aggiustare le cose nei Palazzi.
Un nuovo spunto lo fornisce Wikileaks coi cablogrammi che da Bruxelles andavano a Washington. Quello che riguarda una riunione del dicembre scorso, in cui figura anche l'ex ambasciatore italiano Ettore Serqui (all'epoca inviato speciale Ue a Kabul), raccontano proprio i particolari pre elettorali. Alla riunione partecipava Richard Holbrooke, il negoziatore americano died a few days ago, the Swedish Foreign Minister Carl Bildt (Sweden was the presidency of the EU), both showing a healthy realism, they repeated what I said a year ago during the presidential elections that were postponed at least that of few months to ensure transparency and proper electoral process. Sequi was also agreed that the present so they accepted his advice was to make sure that in case of referral, Karzai would not lose face in front of the international community. That did not in fact a scapegoat. But then, probably under pressure from other members of the U.S. (Ambassador to Kabul for example Eikenberry, who was on a collision course with the Europeans), won the argument and all costs of elections immediately.
The story reveals many things: how much was actually isolated Holbrooke that his administration had chosen him as special envoy. How Europeans were potentially the most reasonable Americans and the role of Turkey, while playing to team up with Europe, was very close to the positions of Karzai, including another well enough to even Sequi. But it also explains the hatred of Eikenberry Bildt with the Europeans because they opposed his desire to play an important role in the NATO headquarters in Kabul that the EU wanted less American. There's also Catherine Ashton, the current chief diplomat European Union. Bildt was caustic: excellent for bureaucratic battles ... but with no knowledge of foreign policy.
Pregnant Getting Foot Cramps
While Barack Obama makes a show of optimism and raised the American strategy for 2011 confirming the withdrawal and a mix of bombings aimed at keeping pressure on Al Qaeda in Kabul wears an unprecedented institutional crisis. Abdullah Abdullah, the ultimate opponent of President Hamid Karzai, has accused the Attorney General, who had contested the results of the elections in May, a silence that encourages the deadlock and prevent the new parliament to begin its work. Karzai said that the niche and malignant parliament the current president did not like and that, despite the fraud, does not guarantee that the majority wanted. He returned the formalization of the new elected and would be using the conflict between the prosecution and the electoral commission to buy time.
The crisis in Kabul is a reflection not only of the difficulties of Karzai, but also those of Obama, who has confirmed the start of the withdrawal in July 2011 and highlights significant progress against al-Qaeda and the Taliban, while the ' Afghan army would grow at rates higher than provided for NATO itself. But the analysis of Obama does not correspond to those far more pitiless observers: Kate Clark of Afghanistan Analyst Network, the scenario di Obama è “luccicante quanto irreale” e non si vede come potrà “portare pace e stabilità”. L'Afghanistan continua ad essere insomma in ebollizione e il pantano della guerra sembra senza soluzione anche se i leader (occidentali) delle forze in campo hanno sempre cercato di aggiustare le cose nei Palazzi.
Un nuovo spunto lo fornisce Wikileaks coi cablogrammi che da Bruxelles andavano a Washington. Quello che riguarda una riunione del dicembre scorso, in cui figura anche l'ex ambasciatore italiano Ettore Serqui (all'epoca inviato speciale Ue a Kabul), raccontano proprio i particolari pre elettorali. Alla riunione partecipava Richard Holbrooke, il negoziatore americano died a few days ago, the Swedish Foreign Minister Carl Bildt (Sweden was the presidency of the EU), both showing a healthy realism, they repeated what I said a year ago during the presidential elections that were postponed at least that of few months to ensure transparency and proper electoral process. Sequi was also agreed that the present so they accepted his advice was to make sure that in case of referral, Karzai would not lose face in front of the international community. That did not in fact a scapegoat. But then, probably under pressure from other members of the U.S. (Ambassador to Kabul for example Eikenberry, who was on a collision course with the Europeans), won the argument and all costs of elections immediately.
The story reveals many things: how much was actually isolated Holbrooke that his administration had chosen him as special envoy. How Europeans were potentially the most reasonable Americans and the role of Turkey, while playing to team up with Europe, was very close to the positions of Karzai, including another well enough to even Sequi. But it also explains the hatred of Eikenberry Bildt with the Europeans because they opposed his desire to play an important role in the NATO headquarters in Kabul that the EU wanted less American. There's also Catherine Ashton, the current chief diplomat European Union. Bildt was caustic: excellent for bureaucratic battles ... but with no knowledge of foreign policy.
While Barack Obama makes a show of optimism and raised the American strategy for 2011 confirming the withdrawal and a mix of bombings aimed at keeping pressure on Al Qaeda in Kabul wears an unprecedented institutional crisis. Abdullah Abdullah, the ultimate opponent of President Hamid Karzai, has accused the Attorney General, who had contested the results of the elections in May, a silence that encourages the deadlock and prevent the new parliament to begin its work. Karzai said that the niche and malignant parliament the current president did not like and that, despite the fraud, does not guarantee that the majority wanted. He returned the formalization of the new elected and would be using the conflict between the prosecution and the electoral commission to buy time.
The crisis in Kabul is a reflection not only of the difficulties of Karzai, but also those of Obama, who has confirmed the start of the withdrawal in July 2011 and highlights significant progress against al-Qaeda and the Taliban, while the ' Afghan army would grow at rates higher than provided for NATO itself. But the analysis of Obama does not correspond to those far more pitiless observers: Kate Clark of Afghanistan Analyst Network, the scenario di Obama è “luccicante quanto irreale” e non si vede come potrà “portare pace e stabilità”. L'Afghanistan continua ad essere insomma in ebollizione e il pantano della guerra sembra senza soluzione anche se i leader (occidentali) delle forze in campo hanno sempre cercato di aggiustare le cose nei Palazzi.
Un nuovo spunto lo fornisce Wikileaks coi cablogrammi che da Bruxelles andavano a Washington. Quello che riguarda una riunione del dicembre scorso, in cui figura anche l'ex ambasciatore italiano Ettore Serqui (all'epoca inviato speciale Ue a Kabul), raccontano proprio i particolari pre elettorali. Alla riunione partecipava Richard Holbrooke, il negoziatore americano died a few days ago, the Swedish Foreign Minister Carl Bildt (Sweden was the presidency of the EU), both showing a healthy realism, they repeated what I said a year ago during the presidential elections that were postponed at least that of few months to ensure transparency and proper electoral process. Sequi was also agreed that the present so they accepted his advice was to make sure that in case of referral, Karzai would not lose face in front of the international community. That did not in fact a scapegoat. But then, probably under pressure from other members of the U.S. (Ambassador to Kabul for example Eikenberry, who was on a collision course with the Europeans), won the argument and all costs of elections immediately.
The story reveals many things: how much was actually isolated Holbrooke that his administration had chosen him as special envoy. How Europeans were potentially the most reasonable Americans and the role of Turkey, while playing to team up with Europe, was very close to the positions of Karzai, including another well enough to even Sequi. But it also explains the hatred of Eikenberry Bildt with the Europeans because they opposed his desire to play an important role in the NATO headquarters in Kabul that the EU wanted less American. There's also Catherine Ashton, the current chief diplomat European Union. Bildt was caustic: excellent for bureaucratic battles ... but with no knowledge of foreign policy.
Thursday, December 16, 2010
How Fast Did Avbreva Work For U
's indecision WASHINGTON
out of Afghanistan in a responsible manner. Beginning in July 2011 confirmed the withdrawal from a country where U.S. and NATO are still making progress: weaken Al Qaeda, the Taliban held in check, increase their control over the territory while the numbers say that the Afghan army is growing at a rate higher than providing for NATO itself. Seen off the table Barack Obama, who yesterday announced the "review" of U.S. strategy in Afghanistan, the glass is half full word. But however, if the ma restano tanti. Anche perché, mentre la Casa Bianca dice la sua edulcorando un messaggio che tralascia di parlare del problema della corruzione che attanaglia il governo di Karzai e delle dirette responsabilità del Pakistan, due rapporti riconducibili al National Intelligence Estimates (Nie), dunque a sedici agenzie di intelligence nazionali, dicono l'esatto contrario: senza un maggior impegno di Islamabad, che pare assai riluttante a mettercelo, ogni sforzo militare americano è destinato a fallire. Già minato com'è, tra l'atro, da un governo “fragile e corrotto” che comanda a Kabul.
Se la presenza sui media quasi nelle stesse ore di due voci che dicono tutto e il contrario di tutto and that openly contradict either due to chance or, as is more likely, a careful communication strategy, is the stuff of speculators. But what is certain is that the public release at the same time two totally opposite views sull'AfPak reflects the discrepancy of views within the administration and it was an American decisiveness is hard to decide which road to take firm. Read all about
out of Afghanistan in a responsible manner. Beginning in July 2011 confirmed the withdrawal from a country where U.S. and NATO are still making progress: weaken Al Qaeda, the Taliban held in check, increase their control over the territory while the numbers say that the Afghan army is growing at a rate higher than providing for NATO itself. Seen off the table Barack Obama, who yesterday announced the "review" of U.S. strategy in Afghanistan, the glass is half full word. But however, if the ma restano tanti. Anche perché, mentre la Casa Bianca dice la sua edulcorando un messaggio che tralascia di parlare del problema della corruzione che attanaglia il governo di Karzai e delle dirette responsabilità del Pakistan, due rapporti riconducibili al National Intelligence Estimates (Nie), dunque a sedici agenzie di intelligence nazionali, dicono l'esatto contrario: senza un maggior impegno di Islamabad, che pare assai riluttante a mettercelo, ogni sforzo militare americano è destinato a fallire. Già minato com'è, tra l'atro, da un governo “fragile e corrotto” che comanda a Kabul.
Se la presenza sui media quasi nelle stesse ore di due voci che dicono tutto e il contrario di tutto and that openly contradict either due to chance or, as is more likely, a careful communication strategy, is the stuff of speculators. But what is certain is that the public release at the same time two totally opposite views sull'AfPak reflects the discrepancy of views within the administration and it was an American decisiveness is hard to decide which road to take firm. Read all about
How Fast Did Avbreva Work For U
's indecision WASHINGTON
out of Afghanistan in a responsible manner. Beginning in July 2011 confirmed the withdrawal from a country where U.S. and NATO are still making progress: weaken Al Qaeda, the Taliban held in check, increase their control over the territory while the numbers say that the Afghan army is growing at a rate higher than providing for NATO itself. Seen off the table Barack Obama, who yesterday announced the "review" of U.S. strategy in Afghanistan, the glass is half full word. But however, if the ma restano tanti. Anche perché, mentre la Casa Bianca dice la sua edulcorando un messaggio che tralascia di parlare del problema della corruzione che attanaglia il governo di Karzai e delle dirette responsabilità del Pakistan, due rapporti riconducibili al National Intelligence Estimates (Nie), dunque a sedici agenzie di intelligence nazionali, dicono l'esatto contrario: senza un maggior impegno di Islamabad, che pare assai riluttante a mettercelo, ogni sforzo militare americano è destinato a fallire. Già minato com'è, tra l'atro, da un governo “fragile e corrotto” che comanda a Kabul.
Se la presenza sui media quasi nelle stesse ore di due voci che dicono tutto e il contrario di tutto and that openly contradict either due to chance or, as is more likely, a careful communication strategy, is the stuff of speculators. But what is certain is that the public release at the same time two totally opposite views sull'AfPak reflects the discrepancy of views within the administration and it was an American decisiveness is hard to decide which road to take firm. Read all about
out of Afghanistan in a responsible manner. Beginning in July 2011 confirmed the withdrawal from a country where U.S. and NATO are still making progress: weaken Al Qaeda, the Taliban held in check, increase their control over the territory while the numbers say that the Afghan army is growing at a rate higher than providing for NATO itself. Seen off the table Barack Obama, who yesterday announced the "review" of U.S. strategy in Afghanistan, the glass is half full word. But however, if the ma restano tanti. Anche perché, mentre la Casa Bianca dice la sua edulcorando un messaggio che tralascia di parlare del problema della corruzione che attanaglia il governo di Karzai e delle dirette responsabilità del Pakistan, due rapporti riconducibili al National Intelligence Estimates (Nie), dunque a sedici agenzie di intelligence nazionali, dicono l'esatto contrario: senza un maggior impegno di Islamabad, che pare assai riluttante a mettercelo, ogni sforzo militare americano è destinato a fallire. Già minato com'è, tra l'atro, da un governo “fragile e corrotto” che comanda a Kabul.
Se la presenza sui media quasi nelle stesse ore di due voci che dicono tutto e il contrario di tutto and that openly contradict either due to chance or, as is more likely, a careful communication strategy, is the stuff of speculators. But what is certain is that the public release at the same time two totally opposite views sull'AfPak reflects the discrepancy of views within the administration and it was an American decisiveness is hard to decide which road to take firm. Read all about
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