Hundreds of students gathered at the University 'La Sapienza for the procession which then merged' into one of the confederal unions that start 'from Piazza della Repubblica. Complicit in the violent rain in the early hours of this morning and the closure movement, taken in anticipation of the demonstrations, the traffic in Rome and 'very intense with real traffic jams near the old town. Disruptions are also provided for public transport con la deviazione di 27 linee bus e la chiusura della fermata della di Piazza di Spagna.
La pioggia che da alcuni giorni colpisce la Capitale non risparmia neanche i manifestanti che si sono dati appuntamento a Roma per protestare contro la riforma della scuola. Si registra cosi’ un vero e proprio ‘assalto’ ai camion degli organizzatori, come quello della Cisl Scuola, che distribuiscono impermeabili di plastica e ombrelli. Non sono gli unici ‘gadget’ a disposizione dei militanti. Vanno infatti ‘a ruba’ delle nacchere a forma di manina che promettono di essere, nelle prossime ore, la cifra ritmica e rumorosa di tutta la manifestazione. Sono centinaia, infatti, i manifestanti that are directed towards the head of the parade waving these strange, small but noisy castanets.
E 'started at around 9 the concentration of high school students and parents and teachers in primary Largo Cairoli in Milan for the march organized in a national strike against the world of school reform Gelmini. While college students are meeting in various faculties' of the universities in Milan to find themselves in Cordusio square are numerous small parades of high school students of the schools of Milan and the province that are heading in Largo Cairoli. Among these students at the Liceo Artistico di Brera, disguised as clowns, parade behind a banner with the representation of the 'Last Supper' by Leonardo da Vinci which reads "May this be the last." Three students also claim another banner that mimics the face of the Minister of Education and clown makeup with the words: "The regime of buffoons."
Piazza Exedra Rome is full, colorful flags from the CGIL, CISL, and UIL of Salt. The national demonstration school has started along Via Vittorio Emanuele Orlando already at 9.15 am with a few minutes before the scheduled time, 9.30. Together with the teachers and university students, including families with children elementary school, all united in protest against the Gelmini decree, finally converted into law yesterday by the Senate. The parade will end in Piazza del Popolo, parading along the Via VE Orlando, Largo di Santa Susanna, Via Barberini, Piazza Barberini, Via Sistina, Piazza Trinita dei Monti, Viale Trinita dei Monti and Via Gabriele D `Annunzio.
the cry Universita 'public' and led by the red banner 'All universities' anti-Gelmini 'and' New Party Palace by the procession of faculty 'humanistic gonna' join the other pieces of event proclaimed in Turin, as elsewhere in Italy, for a general strike against the reform of school and university system. Several hundred students are marching displaying banners and signs, such as political science and sociology that states' education costs ignorance costs more. " There is no shortage of irony cues, such as those of students of collective Dams who have worn a mo 'hat foam pumpkins turning, as they say in' pumpkin head '. And yet the signs with the words 'La Gelmini's education as Star Trek is to nuclear physics', a banner cones drawing of a face that sneezes and says 'The University' falls ill cursed Gelman (ni) '. There 's who then built a cardboard cigarette box that warns' Reform Gelmini gramente detrimental to the culture' and those who bring in a puppet parade with the features of the minister.
He started from Piazza della Repubblica, the procession organized by the unions to protest against the school reform Gelmini. Behind the banner head 'United for the school of all' march of several thousand protesters who filled the whole area of \u200b\u200bthe square Esedra with banners, flags and balloons. Just to allow the large influx of demonstrators, organizers have decided to drain the parade verso piazza Barberini.
Sono tantissimi, studenti e insegnanti, genitori e alunni delle che si sono dati appuntamento questa mattina a Torino per partecipare alla manifestazione promossa per lo sciopero generale della scuola indetto da Cgil, Cisl e Uil, Snals e Gilda contro la riforma Gelmini. Secondo le prime stime, in piazza Arbarello, dove c’e’ il principale concentramento di manifestanti, ci sarebbero almeno 20.000 persone, ma il loro numero e’ destinato ad aumentare quando si uniranno anche i vari cortei partiti da altri istituti e delle facolta’ universitarie. Musica e slogan stanno caratterizzando la manifestazione. Molti gli striscioni che rivendicano il diritto allo studio e puntano il finger against the reform approved yesterday. To open the procession the banner 'Today students tomorrow workers', but also a sign that reads' Maria Stella your reform and' ruin 'and even' The future of children rhymes with Gelmini '. The procession is starting slowly in these minutes, depending on the program is expected to reach Piazza Castello, where and 'will also be a concert orchestra of the Teatro Regio.
There are also many school children, elementary and middle schools accompanied by teachers and parents, leading the procession moves slowly to allow the influx of protestors in Piazza della Repubblica. "Mothers and Pope 'did not have to look, there' to save the school, "reads the banner of the school Mazzini," beautiful and ugly, and the school 'of all, remember waving a small lenzuolone colored pupils in a primary school Bologna while the seventh circle Montessori relies on a colorful sign the slogan "With a population ignorant and 'more' easy to govern."
Rome / Epifani
the union's protest against the Gelmini decree "does not stop" with today's demonstration. This was stated by the leader of the CGIL, Guglielmo Epifani, entering the parade started around 9.30 am from Piazza della Repubblica. "The Government - ha sottolineato Epifani - ha tagliato le risorse per la scuola per ragioni di bilancio. Sarebbe più onesto dirlo”. In riferimento al referendum per cancellare il pacchetto-scuola voluto dal ministro Maria Stella Gelmini, annunciato dall’opposizione, Epifani ha aggiunto: “Il referendum è uno degli strumenti, ma non il solo. Ci saranno iniziative di carattere sindacale. Per un sindacato - ha concluso - il referendum non è la via maestra, che è invece rappresentata dalle lotte sindacali”.
E’ partito alle 9 da via Balbi, diretto in via Roma, il primo dei tre cortei contro la riforma della scuola previsti per questa mattina a Genova. Stanno sfilando un centinaio di studenti. In Via Balbi have already 'concentrated another hundred demonstrators organized by the CGIL. A procession will move 'in the morning on Via Balbi to Piazza De Ferrari.
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