tenuti da
Livio Picotti
con la participation of
fr. Dominique de Formigny
fr. Dominique de Formigny
I Courses Gregorian Chant well as deepening the song through a sensory work on speech perception and bodily movement, will be specific to the sacred repertoire of liturgical-gragoriano.
The course concludes with attendance at Mass with the Community of Sant 'Antimo.
The course concludes with attendance at Mass with the Community of Sant 'Antimo.
We are interested in achieving a global state of well being for a sincere and active participation in the liturgical service, the stage of learning, to the liturgical celebrations shared with the community.
The place
GREGORIAN CHANT The courses are held at the Abbey of Saint Antimo in Tuscany, near Montalcino. We chose this place, not only for the peace and beauty that only helps in the approach to sacred music, but mainly because we are in contact with a community in which the daily common prayer is sung entirely in accordance with the Gregorian liturgy of Vatican II as an ideal tool for contemplation and worship .. The monks of St. Antimo follow the Rule of St. Augustine in the community and live a fraternal life according to the Gospel.
Imparare il canto sacro condividendo la pratica quotidiana della Comunità religiosa è una rara opportunità per comprenderne il senso autentico e profondo. Per questo, è consigliato la partecipazione alle preghiere della Comunità.
Il metodo
Durante i nostri corsi diamo molto tempo alla ricerca vocale affrontando diverse tematiche legate alla voce: ascolto, percezione, equilibrio, respirazione, qualità delle voci, movimento, risonanze, armonici. Durante questi momenti di ricerca vocale non conta "produrre" dei suoni perfetti, but be open to sound stimuli that cause in us. At a predominantly theoretical teaching you prefer a practical approach and the senses.
The educational criteria are based principally on the functional method of the voice of ' Lichtenberg Institute, which takes into account all aspects of sound and human voice, connecting the entry to the interior state of the person: what drives the voice is not muscle control, but listening and perceptual sensitivity to signals arriving in response to different stimuli and demands.
The educational criteria are based principally on the functional method of the voice of ' Lichtenberg Institute, which takes into account all aspects of sound and human voice, connecting the entry to the interior state of the person: what drives the voice is not muscle control, but listening and perceptual sensitivity to signals arriving in response to different stimuli and demands.
Picotti Livio, head of the Research Centre Voice of Montepulciano (SI) and director of Capella Ducale Venetia, voice care research and practice of Gregorian chant.
Tel 0578 758714 - E-mail:
Tel 0578 758714 - E-mail:
fr. Dominique de Formigny , was born in France in 1967. He was ordained priest in 1997. He finished in June 2005 to study the Patrologia in Rome, especially S. Agostino.In Community is the master of novices and legal director of Edizioni Sant'Antimo .
class times
Friday 16-19 hours room
S. Augustine (near the Abbey) for R & Canto 19 hours
Vespers in the Church with the Community
hours from 19.30 to 20.20
singing in church at 21 Dinner in Guest
Saturday from 10.30 to 12 hours, room 45 S. Augustine for Research and Canto
hours 13 hours 16-19
dining room Guest S. Augustine for Research and Canto
singing in church at 21 Sunday evening in Foresteria
tests in 9.15 hours at 11 Church
13 hours Lunch Guest
S. Augustine (near the Abbey) for R & Canto 19 hours
Vespers in the Church with the Community
hours from 19.30 to 20.20
singing in church at 21 Dinner in Guest
Saturday from 10.30 to 12 hours, room 45 S. Augustine for Research and Canto
hours 13 hours 16-19
dining room Guest S. Augustine for Research and Canto
singing in church at 21 Sunday evening in Foresteria
tests in 9.15 hours at 11 Church
13 hours Lunch Guest
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