Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Kraft Coleslaw Dressing Recipe

3000 Citizens Ol

3000 Nationals ... More than 3000 citizens of the lower Molise joined the class action to sue for damages due to pollution of drinking water to the horse holidays' season. The signatures will be filed in the coming days, the court of Rome, which must 'declare the admissibility' collective prosecution. Will be organized for the occasion 'a demonstration in the capital, with residents of the municipalities affected by the emergence of contaminated water. (Source Agi news). Are we sure that the water that comes from our tap is healthy and safe? Many families do not drink tap water. Why? It 's just to bad taste in the water or there's more that we ignore? To make sure you drink the best water there is a solution of the World .... The innovative equipment Leveluk 501 is capable of producing the 'ideal water for our body: Alkaline, ionized, microstructured, energizing, free of harmful substances. To order now go to: http://www.acquasorgivakangen.com>>> http://www.acquasorgivakangen.blogspot.com>>> Angelo De Salvatore - 393-33.61.352


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