Monday, February 28, 2011

I Have A Dry Cough And Mucus Is Coming Out Of Eye

Water Bottle? The influence

Water Bottle? NO THANKS ... An interesting movie about the differences in bottled water than tap water. It will help everyone to make environmentally friendly choices to leave our beloved children a better world. Download the free ebook to get the best water in the home of the World:>>>

I Have A Dry Cough And Mucus Is Coming Out Of Eye

Water Bottle? The influence

Water Bottle? NO THANKS ... An interesting movie about the differences in bottled water than tap water. It will help everyone to make environmentally friendly choices to leave our beloved children a better world. Download the free ebook to get the best water in the home of the World:>>>

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Put Wheels On A Tripod


from HelloTxt intestinal flu ... is contagious. But how can it be infection? In this regard it should be noted that the virus that causes gastroenteritis is usually transmitted in the event that you remain in close contact with persons affected by the infection. But this is not the cause of infection. Particular attention should be paid to certain foods. Some food products may be subject to contamination for several reasons. Specifically, the seafood found in contaminated water are a health risk, especially if they are eaten lightly cooked or completely raw. The virus can spread even when the water is contaminated from wastewater. Also do not forget that some products may be subject to contamination by the person who prepares them, if you do not mind to wash your hands. Recently there have been many cases of intestinal flu in some parts of Italy and the question is not negligible. Indeed we must not forget that the norovirus, an intestinal infectious agents responsible for influenza can spread easily in crowded or where many people live together, such as nursing homes, camps, dormitories. The first key recommendations in terms of influence are to look after for regular hygiene, to prevent the transmission of the virus. For the 2011 influenza infection it is easy even with a sneeze. But it is noted that not all viruses of influenza and intestinal symptoms related to it affect all players equally. For example, unlike dell'astrovirus and adenovirus, rotavirus causes diarrhea primarily in infants and children under five years. (Source: Strengthen the immune system becomes imperative. Help our body eliminate toxins is recommended to prevent many diseases such as those cited above. The ionized alkaline water is one of the most effective natural remedies. Throughout the world there are many scientific studies that attest to its healing properties and health benefits. "Preventing is much better (and cheaper) than cure ". For more info:::>>>>>>>>> http://www.>>> Angelo De Salvatore -> 393-33.61.352

Put Wheels On A Tripod


from HelloTxt intestinal flu ... is contagious. But how can it be infection? In this regard it should be noted that the virus that causes gastroenteritis is usually transmitted in the event that you remain in close contact with persons affected by the infection. But this is not the cause of infection. Particular attention should be paid to certain foods. Some food products may be subject to contamination for several reasons. Specifically, the seafood found in contaminated water are a health risk, especially if they are eaten lightly cooked or completely raw. The virus can spread even when the water is contaminated from wastewater. Also do not forget that some products may be subject to contamination by the person who prepares them, if you do not mind to wash your hands. Recently there have been many cases of intestinal flu in some parts of Italy and the question is not negligible. Indeed we must not forget that the norovirus, an intestinal infectious agents responsible for influenza can spread easily in crowded or where many people live together, such as nursing homes, camps, dormitories. The first key recommendations in terms of influence are to look after for regular hygiene, to prevent the transmission of the virus. For the 2011 influenza infection it is easy even with a sneeze. But it is noted that not all viruses of influenza and intestinal symptoms related to it affect all players equally. For example, unlike dell'astrovirus and adenovirus, rotavirus causes diarrhea primarily in infants and children under five years. (Source: Strengthen the immune system becomes imperative. Help our body eliminate toxins is recommended to prevent many diseases such as those cited above. The ionized alkaline water is one of the most effective natural remedies. Throughout the world there are many scientific studies that attest to its healing properties and health benefits. "Preventing is much better (and cheaper) than cure ". For more info:::>>>>>>>>> http://www.>>> Angelo De Salvatore -> 393-33.61.352

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Master Lock Combination Recover

NATO moves. The crisis in North Africa

is that humanitarian intervention can be seen behind the will of NATO and the U.S. to put a garrison in Libya. Libya is a strategic, with all its oil and the danger of a division into many small states, some with extremist tendencies. The no-fly zone is not enough. A bell'intervento Born under the aegis of the UN would be better. And
'real politic ...... beauty.

Master Lock Combination Recover

NATO moves. The crisis in North Africa

is that humanitarian intervention can be seen behind the will of NATO and the U.S. to put a garrison in Libya. Libya is a strategic, with all its oil and the danger of a division into many small states, some with extremist tendencies. The no-fly zone is not enough. A bell'intervento Born under the aegis of the UN would be better. And
'real politic ...... beauty.

Best Waxing Ottawa Voted


La società civile afghana è variegata e attiva, ma è poco coinvolta nel processo di sviluppo del Country and the international community, if it occupies, it does so with myopia, focusing only on NGOs which provide services. The figure emerges from the report "Afghan civil society. Limits and Potential", edited by Giuliano Battiston and based on an analysis of existing literature and three months of research in eight Afghan provinces. The research is part of a larger project to Afghan with the contribution of the Italian Cooperation, the Link2007 and University of Milan (coordination of Elisa Rushworth). Read all about


Best Waxing Ottawa Voted


La società civile afghana è variegata e attiva, ma è poco coinvolta nel processo di sviluppo del Country and the international community, if it occupies, it does so with myopia, focusing only on NGOs which provide services. The figure emerges from the report "Afghan civil society. Limits and Potential", edited by Giuliano Battiston and based on an analysis of existing literature and three months of research in eight Afghan provinces. The research is part of a larger project to Afghan with the contribution of the Italian Cooperation, the Link2007 and University of Milan (coordination of Elisa Rushworth). Read all about


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'The Poisoned Water Filter Jugs

'The poisoned water ... "" If the water is not drinkable, we can not pay like one. "Today, in front of the Rome office of Acea SpA, parent company of the aqueducts of Rome and most of the municipalities there is a garrison of protest. The sit-in was called against the incinerator from the coordination of Albano, the Public Water Committee Velletri and the one from Genzano. The event is scheduled for 11 am to Piazzale Ostiense. The protesters called for the immediate intervention of the operator to restore the drinking water in the territory of the Roman Castles and the reduction of past and future bills. Complained that the fee charged by Acea that, upon expiry of the derogation granted by the European Commission would continue to distribute water containing concentrations of hazardous substances - such as arsenic and vanadium - in excess of legal limits. At stake is' the health of hundreds of thousands of people, long neglected by the institutions. "Despite the manager says that interventions are being made to restore the drinking water - tell us the Coordination against the incinerator Albano - the levels of arsenic are in many cases above 10 micrograms per liter required by law. " Holds true for Velletri, Albano and many other municipalities in the province, where many citizens are still obliged to obtain supplies from the nearest tanker. Already between 2003 and 2005 reports began to circulate clandestinely seeds of analysis that documented alarming amount of harmful elements in drinking water: arsenic and fluoride up to 80 micrograms up to four micrograms per liter. "Today - yet claim by the Committee, both our data and those of the operator confirm the excess of the levels of law Throughout 2010 and the first months of 2011, in large swathes of territory. The ACEA has distributed in the Castelli Romani water more polluted than allowed. " It is therefore our duty, according to the citizens, the manager of the water supply to revise downward the rates bills. From the coordination point out that national derogations on pollutants in the water already in place for six years, expired on 31 December 2009, and that the European Commission has denied the Lazio Region for further concessions for arsenic forcing institutions to respect the limits imposed by law. 'Is totally unfounded and blatantly violates the provisions of the European Commission - concluded by the Committee - the last circolare firmata dall’assessore regionale all’ambiente Marco Mattei, che riguarda una presunta accettabilità del limite di 20 microgrammi per litro per l’arsenico».( Ormai tante famiglie sono coscienti che l'acqua potabile non è piu Salutare e Sicura come una volta nonostante i controlli, che ricordo, vengono effettuati SOLO presso l'acquedotto e MAI ai rubinetti presso le nostre abitazioni ! Tante famiglie hanno provveduto e altrettante lo farranno, ad installare in casa propria un dispositivo medicale chiamato ionizzatore Leveluk 501 dell' Azienda più famosa al mondo, la giapponese Enagic. Informati adesso come potrai avere in casa tua la Migliore acqua del Mondo: Acqua sorgiva Kangen: --->>>>>>>>>> ---> Salvatore De Angelo - 393-33.61.352

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'The Poisoned Water Filter Jugs

'The poisoned water ... "" If the water is not drinkable, we can not pay like one. "Today, in front of the Rome office of Acea SpA, parent company of the aqueducts of Rome and most of the municipalities there is a garrison of protest. The sit-in was called against the incinerator from the coordination of Albano, the Public Water Committee Velletri and the one from Genzano. The event is scheduled for 11 am to Piazzale Ostiense. The protesters called for the immediate intervention of the operator to restore the drinking water in the territory of the Roman Castles and the reduction of past and future bills. Complained that the fee charged by Acea that, upon expiry of the derogation granted by the European Commission would continue to distribute water containing concentrations of hazardous substances - such as arsenic and vanadium - in excess of legal limits. At stake is' the health of hundreds of thousands of people, long neglected by the institutions. "Despite the manager says that interventions are being made to restore the drinking water - tell us the Coordination against the incinerator Albano - the levels of arsenic are in many cases above 10 micrograms per liter required by law. " Holds true for Velletri, Albano and many other municipalities in the province, where many citizens are still obliged to obtain supplies from the nearest tanker. Already between 2003 and 2005 reports began to circulate clandestinely seeds of analysis that documented alarming amount of harmful elements in drinking water: arsenic and fluoride up to 80 micrograms up to four micrograms per liter. "Today - yet claim by the Committee, both our data and those of the operator confirm the excess of the levels of law Throughout 2010 and the first months of 2011, in large swathes of territory. The ACEA has distributed in the Castelli Romani water more polluted than allowed. " It is therefore our duty, according to the citizens, the manager of the water supply to revise downward the rates bills. From the coordination point out that national derogations on pollutants in the water already in place for six years, expired on 31 December 2009, and that the European Commission has denied the Lazio Region for further concessions for arsenic forcing institutions to respect the limits imposed by law. 'Is totally unfounded and blatantly violates the provisions of the European Commission - concluded by the Committee - the last circolare firmata dall’assessore regionale all’ambiente Marco Mattei, che riguarda una presunta accettabilità del limite di 20 microgrammi per litro per l’arsenico».( Ormai tante famiglie sono coscienti che l'acqua potabile non è piu Salutare e Sicura come una volta nonostante i controlli, che ricordo, vengono effettuati SOLO presso l'acquedotto e MAI ai rubinetti presso le nostre abitazioni ! Tante famiglie hanno provveduto e altrettante lo farranno, ad installare in casa propria un dispositivo medicale chiamato ionizzatore Leveluk 501 dell' Azienda più famosa al mondo, la giapponese Enagic. Informati adesso come potrai avere in casa tua la Migliore acqua del Mondo: Acqua sorgiva Kangen: --->>>>>>>>>> ---> Salvatore De Angelo - 393-33.61.352

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Sample Wording For Wedding Thank You Cards

Alcune considerazioni:

La caduta dei governi di Tunisi ed Egitto è stata rapidissima. Si sono dissolti come neve al sole, ma non si è dissolto l'esercito, che ora di fatto comanda come prima e più di prima.

La crisi libica è completamente diversa. In Libia ci troviamo di fronte a un dittatore duro e in molti casi sanguinario, ma probabilmente proprio per questo molto più riluttante ad andarsene senza combattere. Inoltre la Libia non è un paese unito e questa sollevazione rischia di far esplodere conflitti tra etnie diverse interne alla Libia.

In Iran le cose sono completamente diverse. Lì ci troviamo di fronte ad un paese che potremmo definire "Forward 30 years," compared to other Arab countries. A country that has lived more than 30 years ago today that the uprising has lived in Cairo and was ruled by a Muslim regime.

Almost all countries have a few things in common:
  1. The economic crisis and rising food prices have exacerbated the situation
  2. populations have developed a strong anti-Western sentiments.

However the situation evolves, I see major problems for Europe and especially Italy. I do not believe that the return to normalcy quickly, in fact I think the volatility will last for long.

Sample Wording For Wedding Thank You Cards

Alcune considerazioni:

La caduta dei governi di Tunisi ed Egitto è stata rapidissima. Si sono dissolti come neve al sole, ma non si è dissolto l'esercito, che ora di fatto comanda come prima e più di prima.

La crisi libica è completamente diversa. In Libia ci troviamo di fronte a un dittatore duro e in molti casi sanguinario, ma probabilmente proprio per questo molto più riluttante ad andarsene senza combattere. Inoltre la Libia non è un paese unito e questa sollevazione rischia di far esplodere conflitti tra etnie diverse interne alla Libia.

In Iran le cose sono completamente diverse. Lì ci troviamo di fronte ad un paese che potremmo definire "Forward 30 years," compared to other Arab countries. A country that has lived more than 30 years ago today that the uprising has lived in Cairo and was ruled by a Muslim regime.

Almost all countries have a few things in common:
  1. The economic crisis and rising food prices have exacerbated the situation
  2. populations have developed a strong anti-Western sentiments.

However the situation evolves, I see major problems for Europe and especially Italy. I do not believe that the return to normalcy quickly, in fact I think the volatility will last for long.

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from HelloTxt filter jugs ..... The filtered water jugs, not good to drink. This was announced by a statement of Mineracqua, the Italian federation of industries of mineral water. The complaint came on the table after the prosecutor Raffaele Guariniello Mineracqua did analyze the water from the water filter jug \u200b\u200bfrom the University of Rome La Sapienza. To issue a verdict or not drinking or danger, now, expect the analysis of the Nas - the core of the police Commodities. Ma secondo le analisi effettuate dai laboratori universitari, l’acqua del rubinetto filtrata nelle caraffe sarebbe impoverita nei valori nutritivi e maggiormente esposta al profliferare di cariche batteriche. In altre parole, non sarebbe più potabile. A finire sul tavolo degli imputati sarebbero soprattutto 3 aziende produttrici: la Brita, tedesca e leader del mercato; la Coop Viviverde sempre prodotta dalla Brita e la Auchan Laica. Lo rivela il quotidiano La Repubblica. Il problema, secondo Mineracqua, sarebbe anche igienico e di smaltimento dei rifiuti. Le caraffe sono lavabili a 50 grandi, ma la sanificazione si ha solo a 74 gradi. E poi i filtri ai carboni attivi: dove smaltirli? E soprattutto: perchè potabilizzare un’acqua che è già drinking? The Brita counters and claims to have the certification of the Austrian and German health ministry. So consumers do not know what to buy: tap water (the public, for instance) is drinking water, but was positive in 121 municipalities arsenic. Consumer associations are carrying out a class action to sue for damages. The water bottles, for its part, is increasingly expensive and controls are periodic. Better tap or bottle, then? (Source: Is there a way to make a healthy and safe drinking water through the ionizer Leveluk 501 which filters the water and at the same time makes it alkaline, ionized charge of electrons, light short, the best water for human beings. Here is where you can have all the info to install comfort of your home ionizer Leveluk 501>>>>>> >>> Angelo De Salvatore>>> 393-33.61.352

How To Put Cheats Into Gpsphone Chaos Black

from HelloTxt filter jugs ..... The filtered water jugs, not good to drink. This was announced by a statement of Mineracqua, the Italian federation of industries of mineral water. The complaint came on the table after the prosecutor Raffaele Guariniello Mineracqua did analyze the water from the water filter jug \u200b\u200bfrom the University of Rome La Sapienza. To issue a verdict or not drinking or danger, now, expect the analysis of the Nas - the core of the police Commodities. Ma secondo le analisi effettuate dai laboratori universitari, l’acqua del rubinetto filtrata nelle caraffe sarebbe impoverita nei valori nutritivi e maggiormente esposta al profliferare di cariche batteriche. In altre parole, non sarebbe più potabile. A finire sul tavolo degli imputati sarebbero soprattutto 3 aziende produttrici: la Brita, tedesca e leader del mercato; la Coop Viviverde sempre prodotta dalla Brita e la Auchan Laica. Lo rivela il quotidiano La Repubblica. Il problema, secondo Mineracqua, sarebbe anche igienico e di smaltimento dei rifiuti. Le caraffe sono lavabili a 50 grandi, ma la sanificazione si ha solo a 74 gradi. E poi i filtri ai carboni attivi: dove smaltirli? E soprattutto: perchè potabilizzare un’acqua che è già drinking? The Brita counters and claims to have the certification of the Austrian and German health ministry. So consumers do not know what to buy: tap water (the public, for instance) is drinking water, but was positive in 121 municipalities arsenic. Consumer associations are carrying out a class action to sue for damages. The water bottles, for its part, is increasingly expensive and controls are periodic. Better tap or bottle, then? (Source: Is there a way to make a healthy and safe drinking water through the ionizer Leveluk 501 which filters the water and at the same time makes it alkaline, ionized charge of electrons, light short, the best water for human beings. Here is where you can have all the info to install comfort of your home ionizer Leveluk 501>>>>>> >>> Angelo De Salvatore>>> 393-33.61.352

How Much Cake To Serve


These days I have talked more about politics than markets. The reason is simple: I have no idea where to go in soon. I think it is right and proper to admit. I read a lot, studying many charts, analyzed the situation, but I try to understand more and more I'm perplexed.
The road is more likelihood that outlined by Buddy, a correction and then resumed the climb. A climb to liquidity but could become more solid, then run towards the boundless prairies. But this is only an idea. I have many doubts.

why it is better to remain silent and to the window.

How Much Cake To Serve


These days I have talked more about politics than markets. The reason is simple: I have no idea where to go in soon. I think it is right and proper to admit. I read a lot, studying many charts, analyzed the situation, but I try to understand more and more I'm perplexed.
The road is more likelihood that outlined by Buddy, a correction and then resumed the climb. A climb to liquidity but could become more solid, then run towards the boundless prairies. But this is only an idea. I have many doubts.

why it is better to remain silent and to the window.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Huggies Store Display

Join from home ... you

Participate from your home! Tonight at 20.30 you can find much new information about Kangen Water spring. After dinner, relax and listen as the water can help you best in the world. Make your presence at the web-Conference. Go to website: >>>Clicca sul tasto a sinistra "Partecipa" e prenotati. >>>>IMPORTANTI NOVITA' ESCLUSIVE ! >>> >>> >>> Angelo De Salvatore

Huggies Store Display

Join from home ... you

Participate from your home! Tonight at 20.30 you can find much new information about Kangen Water spring. After dinner, relax and listen as the water can help you best in the world. Make your presence at the web-Conference. Go to website: >>>Clicca sul tasto a sinistra "Partecipa" e prenotati. >>>>IMPORTANTI NOVITA' ESCLUSIVE ! >>> >>> >>> Angelo De Salvatore

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Un solo Obiettivo.... Come avere Successo nella più importante Opportunità di Business present in Italy. Events are planned in the coming days of presentation in several Italian cities. Informed immediately :.... AcquaSorgivaKangen b-Goal

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one goal ... one goal ...

Un solo Obiettivo.... Come avere Successo nella più importante Opportunità di Business present in Italy. Events are planned in the coming days of presentation in several Italian cities. Informed immediately :.... AcquaSorgivaKangen b-Goal

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

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Ruini are dubious: a great!

The Ruini 80 years are an opportunity to remember the thought, more profound and timeless. Council to read his interview .
3 sentences taken out (like taste) from the interview:
  • "Europe must remember to be home to Christian humanism that has at its heart a man."
  • "in modernity change continues to accelerate, and Christianity does not want or need to stop, but directing these changes. "
  • "And yet I am optimistic about Italy: if we stop self-flagellation and self-pity we could realistically look to the problems, to solve them."

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Ruini are dubious: a great!

The Ruini 80 years are an opportunity to remember the thought, more profound and timeless. Council to read his interview .
3 sentences taken out (like taste) from the interview:
  • "Europe must remember to be home to Christian humanism that has at its heart a man."
  • "in modernity change continues to accelerate, and Christianity does not want or need to stop, but directing these changes. "
  • "And yet I am optimistic about Italy: if we stop self-flagellation and self-pity we could realistically look to the problems, to solve them."

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one goal .... How to succeed in the most important business opportunity in Italy. Events are planned in the coming days of presentation in several Italian cities. Informed immediately :....

The Best Goto Refractor

one goal .... How to succeed in the most important business opportunity in Italy. Events are planned in the coming days of presentation in several Italian cities. Informed immediately :....

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3000 Citizens Ol

3000 Nationals ... More than 3000 citizens of the lower Molise joined the class action to sue for damages due to pollution of drinking water to the horse holidays' season. The signatures will be filed in the coming days, the court of Rome, which must 'declare the admissibility' collective prosecution. Will be organized for the occasion 'a demonstration in the capital, with residents of the municipalities affected by the emergence of contaminated water. (Source Agi news). Are we sure that the water that comes from our tap is healthy and safe? Many families do not drink tap water. Why? It 's just to bad taste in the water or there's more that we ignore? To make sure you drink the best water there is a solution of the World .... The innovative equipment Leveluk 501 is capable of producing the 'ideal water for our body: Alkaline, ionized, microstructured, energizing, free of harmful substances. To order now go to:>>>>>> Angelo De Salvatore - 393-33.61.352

Kraft Coleslaw Dressing Recipe

3000 Citizens Ol

3000 Nationals ... More than 3000 citizens of the lower Molise joined the class action to sue for damages due to pollution of drinking water to the horse holidays' season. The signatures will be filed in the coming days, the court of Rome, which must 'declare the admissibility' collective prosecution. Will be organized for the occasion 'a demonstration in the capital, with residents of the municipalities affected by the emergence of contaminated water. (Source Agi news). Are we sure that the water that comes from our tap is healthy and safe? Many families do not drink tap water. Why? It 's just to bad taste in the water or there's more that we ignore? To make sure you drink the best water there is a solution of the World .... The innovative equipment Leveluk 501 is capable of producing the 'ideal water for our body: Alkaline, ionized, microstructured, energizing, free of harmful substances. To order now go to:>>>>>> Angelo De Salvatore - 393-33.61.352

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The usual system that does not work on important days.

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Borsa Italian firm for technical problems

The usual system that does not work on important days.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Where Should The Cervix Be Before Period

alkaline water ... Welcome to the Blog of

WATER ALKALINE .... CARE? Dear Reader, fortunately for us, the ability to heal is inherent within us. Sometimes there is need of external assistance, external intervention but can never replace the healing ability of the body. The illness and healing are, in fact, two spontaneous processes and exclusive of living beings, which have enough energy and functional capability organs and cells. A corpse, in fact, has this capability. The health and healing are expressions of strong bodies and with all their normal functions. So the acute illness is the reaction of strong bodies with good functional capacity and disease cronical'adattamentodi bodies weak from lack functional. Therefore, there is no remedy can to provide health or healing energy to those without sufficient and functional capacity, and only the body has the ability 'of sick and HEALING. But it is true that the disease is a consequence of organ dysfunction due to accumulation of toxins (especially acidic), drinking water, better if it is alkaline, it will be a good remedy for excess acid accumulated in our body. Therefore, drinking alkaline water, the body will automatically release all those symptoms caused by acidosis of our fabrics. The water simply purifies, cleanses, detoxifies and healing remains the exclusive prerogative of our body, remember it forever. Nonabbiate fear of illness, try to understand where you are wrong in your life and get help from your doctor to repair the damage. It is often easier than you think. Alkaline water, along with a diet and healthy living, can give a hand to your body to solve your health problems. In support of what I'm telling you, we will publish shortly, in Italian the theory of the new Biology of the famous American researcher Robert Young. Dr. Robert Young in his book The Miracle of the alkaline pH (already sold 400,000 copies in just 5-6 years in the U.S.) it simply says that he discovered that the sole cause of all diseases is the excessive acidification of the body. He found that when the body is in a state of equilibrium alkaline germs can not attack him. He likens the body to an aquarium where the fish are our cells. If nonrinnoviamo occasionally aquarium water or worse still the dirty with the addition of toxic gas or an excess of food that fish will not eat and then rot on the bottom of the aquarium, what do you think will happen to those fish? Of course they will die. Well, unfortunately, we treat our body as quell'acquario, introducing all kinds of toxins and junk food, that our system can not handle, resulting in excess of acids and poisons, that our cells will die. Let us always remember that our body is not designed to live in an acidic and dirty, but alkaline and clean this project can not be changed. And also, is our body that has the ability to become ill and to heal. Text written by Dr.. Rocco Palmisano, one of the greatest Italian experts Drinking alkaline water helps to cleanse your body, glass after glass. Come see how to have the best water World>>> Angelo De Salvatore -> 393-33.61.352

Where Should The Cervix Be Before Period

alkaline water ... Welcome to the Blog of

WATER ALKALINE .... CARE? Dear Reader, fortunately for us, the ability to heal is inherent within us. Sometimes there is need of external assistance, external intervention but can never replace the healing ability of the body. The illness and healing are, in fact, two spontaneous processes and exclusive of living beings, which have enough energy and functional capability organs and cells. A corpse, in fact, has this capability. The health and healing are expressions of strong bodies and with all their normal functions. So the acute illness is the reaction of strong bodies with good functional capacity and disease cronical'adattamentodi bodies weak from lack functional. Therefore, there is no remedy can to provide health or healing energy to those without sufficient and functional capacity, and only the body has the ability 'of sick and HEALING. But it is true that the disease is a consequence of organ dysfunction due to accumulation of toxins (especially acidic), drinking water, better if it is alkaline, it will be a good remedy for excess acid accumulated in our body. Therefore, drinking alkaline water, the body will automatically release all those symptoms caused by acidosis of our fabrics. The water simply purifies, cleanses, detoxifies and healing remains the exclusive prerogative of our body, remember it forever. Nonabbiate fear of illness, try to understand where you are wrong in your life and get help from your doctor to repair the damage. It is often easier than you think. Alkaline water, along with a diet and healthy living, can give a hand to your body to solve your health problems. In support of what I'm telling you, we will publish shortly, in Italian the theory of the new Biology of the famous American researcher Robert Young. Dr. Robert Young in his book The Miracle of the alkaline pH (already sold 400,000 copies in just 5-6 years in the U.S.) it simply says that he discovered that the sole cause of all diseases is the excessive acidification of the body. He found that when the body is in a state of equilibrium alkaline germs can not attack him. He likens the body to an aquarium where the fish are our cells. If nonrinnoviamo occasionally aquarium water or worse still the dirty with the addition of toxic gas or an excess of food that fish will not eat and then rot on the bottom of the aquarium, what do you think will happen to those fish? Of course they will die. Well, unfortunately, we treat our body as quell'acquario, introducing all kinds of toxins and junk food, that our system can not handle, resulting in excess of acids and poisons, that our cells will die. Let us always remember that our body is not designed to live in an acidic and dirty, but alkaline and clean this project can not be changed. And also, is our body that has the ability to become ill and to heal. Text written by Dr.. Rocco Palmisano, one of the greatest Italian experts Drinking alkaline water helps to cleanse your body, glass after glass. Come see how to have the best water World>>> Angelo De Salvatore -> 393-33.61.352

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Welcome to the Blog of the Good Water!

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Welcome to the Blog of the Good Water!

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from HelloTxt This article is excerpted from the book "The Miracle of the alkaline pH" page. 229: "Of course the water is not integration nè dovrebbe esserlo: l'acqua è ASSOLUTAMENTE basilare per una buona salute ed in nessun modo può essere considerata un'integratore. Ma l'acqua migliore,ionizzata, filtrata, alcalina e ricca di elettroni è , di per sè, un potente ANTIOSSIDANTE; molto piu potente rispetto ad una compressa di vitamica C, per esempio. Oltretutto, l'acqua è la base del rifornimento dei due componenti più importanti del mio programma: i vegetali ed i sali minerali alcalinizzanti". Dott. Robert O.Young Iniziare da subito ad utilizzare la Migliore Acqua del Mondo è possibile grazie alla migliore apparecchiatura al mondo: Leveluk 501 dell' Azienda Giapponese Enagic che da oltre 30 anni fornisce molti Ospedali giapponesi di apparecchiature professionali to produce the best water for human beings. To get this water at home at any time just order it at:>>> *>>> Angelo De Salvatore:: :393-33 .61.352

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from HelloTxt This article is excerpted from the book "The Miracle of the alkaline pH" page. 229: "Of course the water is not integration nè dovrebbe esserlo: l'acqua è ASSOLUTAMENTE basilare per una buona salute ed in nessun modo può essere considerata un'integratore. Ma l'acqua migliore,ionizzata, filtrata, alcalina e ricca di elettroni è , di per sè, un potente ANTIOSSIDANTE; molto piu potente rispetto ad una compressa di vitamica C, per esempio. Oltretutto, l'acqua è la base del rifornimento dei due componenti più importanti del mio programma: i vegetali ed i sali minerali alcalinizzanti". Dott. Robert O.Young Iniziare da subito ad utilizzare la Migliore Acqua del Mondo è possibile grazie alla migliore apparecchiatura al mondo: Leveluk 501 dell' Azienda Giapponese Enagic che da oltre 30 anni fornisce molti Ospedali giapponesi di apparecchiature professionali to produce the best water for human beings. To get this water at home at any time just order it at:>>> *>>> Angelo De Salvatore:: :393-33 .61.352