Friday, October 31, 2008

How To Make A Motorbike In Sugarpaste

On October 2, 2008 meeting was held the presentation of candidates to the school representatives, addressed only to the students address the technological and social sciences, since the second meeting, the remaining reserved addresses, coincided with a national student day of action, and none has been granted a postponement.

The list only included seven people: Fred D'Ambrosio, Nicholas Pozzobon, Claudia Bruscagnin, Marta Gagliardi, Sara Brovedani, Chiara Pozzi and Lavinia Viglione.

October 8 were elected Pozzobon Nicolò, Chiara Pozzi, Claudia Lavinia Viglietti and Bruscagnin.

Sarà una sfida per i 4 studenti battersi per i diritti dei compagni, cercando di modificare con esiti positivi la situazione che giornalmente l’istituto propone, ma anche di seminare tra i banchi il rispetto per un vissuto civile tra professori, alunni, preside e tutti coloro che fanno parte del nostro mondo scolastico.

Per rendere ciò possibile, nel programma di candidatura, ci si è prefissi alcuni obiettivi.

Dato che prioritariamente è risultato palese a tutti come nella scuola sia necessaria maggior informazione sugli avvenimenti esterni ed interni all'istituto, sarà nell' interesse dei nuovi rappresentanti richiedere un coordinamento studentesco. Questo consiste nell'avere diritto ad una classroom, in the afternoon, where students meet in order to address the issues that affect us most, to be able to inform about the events that affect us personally and to find together solutions and / or compromises in order to make school life more harmonious. In light of the fact that we must give to receive and vice versa, and to be informed must also know how to inform, each student is asked to take an interest in the events firsthand and to participate actively in the meetings which will begin as soon as possible. If this information reaches even those who will be unable to attend the meetings, shout at the bar next releases will be posted on the proposals discussed.

Second Luo go un'autogestione has already been mooted, is an initiative that sees the school involved for a few days, during which the students organize their own lessons. You are not in class but there are groups of self-training, which could include theater classes as well as watching movies together on certain issues agreed. There may be meetings held by students or outside speakers on topics of interest and that there are no current programs in our school, and much more to be decided together.

would also be challenging in future meetings also invite external people ready to meet our questions and, given the contingency, to expose ourselves to the changes that are investing in school.

According to the new representatives of the Institute, is therefore a priority to communication between students, information on various initiatives and establish a peaceful and friendly within the institution. To do this promises to be using such means as leaflets, posters, and why not, at parties (Christmas, New Year ...). To take forward these initiatives is obviously necessary to have funds that do not currently exist. The representatives are therefore considering whether to make a small collection involving all students to the best start in their annual plan.

Representatives Institute

How To Make A Motorbike In Sugarpaste

On October 2, 2008 meeting was held the presentation of candidates to the school representatives, addressed only to the students address the technological and social sciences, since the second meeting, the remaining reserved addresses, coincided with a national student day of action, and none has been granted a postponement.

The list only included seven people: Fred D'Ambrosio, Nicholas Pozzobon, Claudia Bruscagnin, Marta Gagliardi, Sara Brovedani, Chiara Pozzi and Lavinia Viglione.

October 8 were elected Pozzobon Nicolò, Chiara Pozzi, Claudia Lavinia Viglietti and Bruscagnin.

Sarà una sfida per i 4 studenti battersi per i diritti dei compagni, cercando di modificare con esiti positivi la situazione che giornalmente l’istituto propone, ma anche di seminare tra i banchi il rispetto per un vissuto civile tra professori, alunni, preside e tutti coloro che fanno parte del nostro mondo scolastico.

Per rendere ciò possibile, nel programma di candidatura, ci si è prefissi alcuni obiettivi.

Dato che prioritariamente è risultato palese a tutti come nella scuola sia necessaria maggior informazione sugli avvenimenti esterni ed interni all'istituto, sarà nell' interesse dei nuovi rappresentanti richiedere un coordinamento studentesco. Questo consiste nell'avere diritto ad una classroom, in the afternoon, where students meet in order to address the issues that affect us most, to be able to inform about the events that affect us personally and to find together solutions and / or compromises in order to make school life more harmonious. In light of the fact that we must give to receive and vice versa, and to be informed must also know how to inform, each student is asked to take an interest in the events firsthand and to participate actively in the meetings which will begin as soon as possible. If this information reaches even those who will be unable to attend the meetings, shout at the bar next releases will be posted on the proposals discussed.

Second Luo go un'autogestione has already been mooted, is an initiative that sees the school involved for a few days, during which the students organize their own lessons. You are not in class but there are groups of self-training, which could include theater classes as well as watching movies together on certain issues agreed. There may be meetings held by students or outside speakers on topics of interest and that there are no current programs in our school, and much more to be decided together.

would also be challenging in future meetings also invite external people ready to meet our questions and, given the contingency, to expose ourselves to the changes that are investing in school.

According to the new representatives of the Institute, is therefore a priority to communication between students, information on various initiatives and establish a peaceful and friendly within the institution. To do this promises to be using such means as leaflets, posters, and why not, at parties (Christmas, New Year ...). To take forward these initiatives is obviously necessary to have funds that do not currently exist. The representatives are therefore considering whether to make a small collection involving all students to the best start in their annual plan.

Representatives Institute

Professional Quality Scanners

Hundreds of students gathered at the University 'La Sapienza for the procession which then merged' into one of the confederal unions that start 'from Piazza della Repubblica. Complicit in the violent rain in the early hours of this morning and the closure movement, taken in anticipation of the demonstrations, the traffic in Rome and 'very intense with real traffic jams near the old town. Disruptions are also provided for public transport con la deviazione di 27 linee bus e la chiusura della fermata della di Piazza di Spagna.

La pioggia che da alcuni giorni colpisce la Capitale non risparmia neanche i manifestanti che si sono dati appuntamento a Roma per protestare contro la riforma della scuola. Si registra cosi’ un vero e proprio ‘assalto’ ai camion degli organizzatori, come quello della Cisl Scuola, che distribuiscono impermeabili di plastica e ombrelli. Non sono gli unici ‘gadget’ a disposizione dei militanti. Vanno infatti ‘a ruba’ delle nacchere a forma di manina che promettono di essere, nelle prossime ore, la cifra ritmica e rumorosa di tutta la manifestazione. Sono centinaia, infatti, i manifestanti that are directed towards the head of the parade waving these strange, small but noisy castanets.

E 'started at around 9 the concentration of high school students and parents and teachers in primary Largo Cairoli in Milan for the march organized in a national strike against the world of school reform Gelmini. While college students are meeting in various faculties' of the universities in Milan to find themselves in Cordusio square are numerous small parades of high school students of the schools of Milan and the province that are heading in Largo Cairoli. Among these students at the Liceo Artistico di Brera, disguised as clowns, parade behind a banner with the representation of the 'Last Supper' by Leonardo da Vinci which reads "May this be the last." Three students also claim another banner that mimics the face of the Minister of Education and clown makeup with the words: "The regime of buffoons."

Piazza Exedra Rome is full, colorful flags from the CGIL, CISL, and UIL of Salt. The national demonstration school has started along Via Vittorio Emanuele Orlando already at 9.15 am with a few minutes before the scheduled time, 9.30. Together with the teachers and university students, including families with children elementary school, all united in protest against the Gelmini decree, finally converted into law yesterday by the Senate. The parade will end in Piazza del Popolo, parading along the Via VE Orlando, Largo di Santa Susanna, Via Barberini, Piazza Barberini, Via Sistina, Piazza Trinita dei Monti, Viale Trinita dei Monti and Via Gabriele D `Annunzio.

the cry Universita 'public' and led by the red banner 'All universities' anti-Gelmini 'and' New Party Palace by the procession of faculty 'humanistic gonna' join the other pieces of event proclaimed in Turin, as elsewhere in Italy, for a general strike against the reform of school and university system. Several hundred students are marching displaying banners and signs, such as political science and sociology that states' education costs ignorance costs more. " There is no shortage of irony cues, such as those of students of collective Dams who have worn a mo 'hat foam pumpkins turning, as they say in' pumpkin head '. And yet the signs with the words 'La Gelmini's education as Star Trek is to nuclear physics', a banner cones drawing of a face that sneezes and says 'The University' falls ill cursed Gelman (ni) '. There 's who then built a cardboard cigarette box that warns' Reform Gelmini gramente detrimental to the culture' and those who bring in a puppet parade with the features of the minister.

He started from Piazza della Repubblica, the procession organized by the unions to protest against the school reform Gelmini. Behind the banner head 'United for the school of all' march of several thousand protesters who filled the whole area of \u200b\u200bthe square Esedra with banners, flags and balloons. Just to allow the large influx of demonstrators, organizers have decided to drain the parade verso piazza Barberini.


Sono tantissimi, studenti e insegnanti, genitori e alunni delle che si sono dati appuntamento questa mattina a Torino per partecipare alla manifestazione promossa per lo sciopero generale della scuola indetto da Cgil, Cisl e Uil, Snals e Gilda contro la riforma Gelmini. Secondo le prime stime, in piazza Arbarello, dove c’e’ il principale concentramento di manifestanti, ci sarebbero almeno 20.000 persone, ma il loro numero e’ destinato ad aumentare quando si uniranno anche i vari cortei partiti da altri istituti e delle facolta’ universitarie. Musica e slogan stanno caratterizzando la manifestazione. Molti gli striscioni che rivendicano il diritto allo studio e puntano il finger against the reform approved yesterday. To open the procession the banner 'Today students tomorrow workers', but also a sign that reads' Maria Stella your reform and' ruin 'and even' The future of children rhymes with Gelmini '. The procession is starting slowly in these minutes, depending on the program is expected to reach Piazza Castello, where and 'will also be a concert orchestra of the Teatro Regio.

There are also many school children, elementary and middle schools accompanied by teachers and parents, leading the procession moves slowly to allow the influx of protestors in Piazza della Repubblica. "Mothers and Pope 'did not have to look, there' to save the school, "reads the banner of the school Mazzini," beautiful and ugly, and the school 'of all, remember waving a small lenzuolone colored pupils in a primary school Bologna while the seventh circle Montessori relies on a colorful sign the slogan "With a population ignorant and 'more' easy to govern."

Rome / Epifani

the union's protest against the Gelmini decree "does not stop" with today's demonstration. This was stated by the leader of the CGIL, Guglielmo Epifani, entering the parade started around 9.30 am from Piazza della Repubblica. "The Government - ha sottolineato Epifani - ha tagliato le risorse per la scuola per ragioni di bilancio. Sarebbe più onesto dirlo”. In riferimento al referendum per cancellare il pacchetto-scuola voluto dal ministro Maria Stella Gelmini, annunciato dall’opposizione, Epifani ha aggiunto: “Il referendum è uno degli strumenti, ma non il solo. Ci saranno iniziative di carattere sindacale. Per un sindacato - ha concluso - il referendum non è la via maestra, che è invece rappresentata dalle lotte sindacali”.

E’ partito alle 9 da via Balbi, diretto in via Roma, il primo dei tre cortei contro la riforma della scuola previsti per questa mattina a Genova. Stanno sfilando un centinaio di studenti. In Via Balbi have already 'concentrated another hundred demonstrators organized by the CGIL. A procession will move 'in the morning on Via Balbi to Piazza De Ferrari.

Professional Quality Scanners

Hundreds of students gathered at the University 'La Sapienza for the procession which then merged' into one of the confederal unions that start 'from Piazza della Repubblica. Complicit in the violent rain in the early hours of this morning and the closure movement, taken in anticipation of the demonstrations, the traffic in Rome and 'very intense with real traffic jams near the old town. Disruptions are also provided for public transport con la deviazione di 27 linee bus e la chiusura della fermata della di Piazza di Spagna.

La pioggia che da alcuni giorni colpisce la Capitale non risparmia neanche i manifestanti che si sono dati appuntamento a Roma per protestare contro la riforma della scuola. Si registra cosi’ un vero e proprio ‘assalto’ ai camion degli organizzatori, come quello della Cisl Scuola, che distribuiscono impermeabili di plastica e ombrelli. Non sono gli unici ‘gadget’ a disposizione dei militanti. Vanno infatti ‘a ruba’ delle nacchere a forma di manina che promettono di essere, nelle prossime ore, la cifra ritmica e rumorosa di tutta la manifestazione. Sono centinaia, infatti, i manifestanti that are directed towards the head of the parade waving these strange, small but noisy castanets.

E 'started at around 9 the concentration of high school students and parents and teachers in primary Largo Cairoli in Milan for the march organized in a national strike against the world of school reform Gelmini. While college students are meeting in various faculties' of the universities in Milan to find themselves in Cordusio square are numerous small parades of high school students of the schools of Milan and the province that are heading in Largo Cairoli. Among these students at the Liceo Artistico di Brera, disguised as clowns, parade behind a banner with the representation of the 'Last Supper' by Leonardo da Vinci which reads "May this be the last." Three students also claim another banner that mimics the face of the Minister of Education and clown makeup with the words: "The regime of buffoons."

Piazza Exedra Rome is full, colorful flags from the CGIL, CISL, and UIL of Salt. The national demonstration school has started along Via Vittorio Emanuele Orlando already at 9.15 am with a few minutes before the scheduled time, 9.30. Together with the teachers and university students, including families with children elementary school, all united in protest against the Gelmini decree, finally converted into law yesterday by the Senate. The parade will end in Piazza del Popolo, parading along the Via VE Orlando, Largo di Santa Susanna, Via Barberini, Piazza Barberini, Via Sistina, Piazza Trinita dei Monti, Viale Trinita dei Monti and Via Gabriele D `Annunzio.

the cry Universita 'public' and led by the red banner 'All universities' anti-Gelmini 'and' New Party Palace by the procession of faculty 'humanistic gonna' join the other pieces of event proclaimed in Turin, as elsewhere in Italy, for a general strike against the reform of school and university system. Several hundred students are marching displaying banners and signs, such as political science and sociology that states' education costs ignorance costs more. " There is no shortage of irony cues, such as those of students of collective Dams who have worn a mo 'hat foam pumpkins turning, as they say in' pumpkin head '. And yet the signs with the words 'La Gelmini's education as Star Trek is to nuclear physics', a banner cones drawing of a face that sneezes and says 'The University' falls ill cursed Gelman (ni) '. There 's who then built a cardboard cigarette box that warns' Reform Gelmini gramente detrimental to the culture' and those who bring in a puppet parade with the features of the minister.

He started from Piazza della Repubblica, the procession organized by the unions to protest against the school reform Gelmini. Behind the banner head 'United for the school of all' march of several thousand protesters who filled the whole area of \u200b\u200bthe square Esedra with banners, flags and balloons. Just to allow the large influx of demonstrators, organizers have decided to drain the parade verso piazza Barberini.


Sono tantissimi, studenti e insegnanti, genitori e alunni delle che si sono dati appuntamento questa mattina a Torino per partecipare alla manifestazione promossa per lo sciopero generale della scuola indetto da Cgil, Cisl e Uil, Snals e Gilda contro la riforma Gelmini. Secondo le prime stime, in piazza Arbarello, dove c’e’ il principale concentramento di manifestanti, ci sarebbero almeno 20.000 persone, ma il loro numero e’ destinato ad aumentare quando si uniranno anche i vari cortei partiti da altri istituti e delle facolta’ universitarie. Musica e slogan stanno caratterizzando la manifestazione. Molti gli striscioni che rivendicano il diritto allo studio e puntano il finger against the reform approved yesterday. To open the procession the banner 'Today students tomorrow workers', but also a sign that reads' Maria Stella your reform and' ruin 'and even' The future of children rhymes with Gelmini '. The procession is starting slowly in these minutes, depending on the program is expected to reach Piazza Castello, where and 'will also be a concert orchestra of the Teatro Regio.

There are also many school children, elementary and middle schools accompanied by teachers and parents, leading the procession moves slowly to allow the influx of protestors in Piazza della Repubblica. "Mothers and Pope 'did not have to look, there' to save the school, "reads the banner of the school Mazzini," beautiful and ugly, and the school 'of all, remember waving a small lenzuolone colored pupils in a primary school Bologna while the seventh circle Montessori relies on a colorful sign the slogan "With a population ignorant and 'more' easy to govern."

Rome / Epifani

the union's protest against the Gelmini decree "does not stop" with today's demonstration. This was stated by the leader of the CGIL, Guglielmo Epifani, entering the parade started around 9.30 am from Piazza della Repubblica. "The Government - ha sottolineato Epifani - ha tagliato le risorse per la scuola per ragioni di bilancio. Sarebbe più onesto dirlo”. In riferimento al referendum per cancellare il pacchetto-scuola voluto dal ministro Maria Stella Gelmini, annunciato dall’opposizione, Epifani ha aggiunto: “Il referendum è uno degli strumenti, ma non il solo. Ci saranno iniziative di carattere sindacale. Per un sindacato - ha concluso - il referendum non è la via maestra, che è invece rappresentata dalle lotte sindacali”.

E’ partito alle 9 da via Balbi, diretto in via Roma, il primo dei tre cortei contro la riforma della scuola previsti per questa mattina a Genova. Stanno sfilando un centinaio di studenti. In Via Balbi have already 'concentrated another hundred demonstrators organized by the CGIL. A procession will move 'in the morning on Via Balbi to Piazza De Ferrari.

Can You Tell Someone Is Wearing A Diaper

This morning more than a thousand students poured into the streets of Venice to demonstrate against the "old" new school reform minister Gelmini.
Jacopo, coordinating school students in Venice and Mestre, remember that today is not the first mobilization against Minister Gelmini is happening in the city of Venice. On September 20 , in fact, the education minister had been challenged through cross-mobilization the whole world of education.
- [ audio ]

The procession headed for the school board where they have established a garrison. Around 11, a delegation went up inside the building and set out the banner from the balcony of the board of the opening procession that carried the inscription: "then the first Fioroni Gelmini: the devastation of the school continues."

Students denounce the continued intimidation against them by the police who first tried to deny permission to the event and then you are guilty of the temporary closure of three students. In the coming days the students will mobilize to launch a campaign against the criminalization and suppression of student movements.

Can You Tell Someone Is Wearing A Diaper

This morning more than a thousand students poured into the streets of Venice to demonstrate against the "old" new school reform minister Gelmini.
Jacopo, coordinating school students in Venice and Mestre, remember that today is not the first mobilization against Minister Gelmini is happening in the city of Venice. On September 20 , in fact, the education minister had been challenged through cross-mobilization the whole world of education.
- [ audio ]

The procession headed for the school board where they have established a garrison. Around 11, a delegation went up inside the building and set out the banner from the balcony of the board of the opening procession that carried the inscription: "then the first Fioroni Gelmini: the devastation of the school continues."

Students denounce the continued intimidation against them by the police who first tried to deny permission to the event and then you are guilty of the temporary closure of three students. In the coming days the students will mobilize to launch a campaign against the criminalization and suppression of student movements.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

What Causes Uti And Constipation

Base Course

Date dei Prossimi Incontri

Dal 25 al 27 Febbraio 2011
... in ricerca della Voce del Logos..
seminari - ritiri di canto sacro

Livio Picotti
con la partecipazione di
fr. Dominique de Formigny

Vox Christi is the basic course of enchantment that conveys more sacred music (monody and polyphony) through work on speech perception and bodily movement.

is open to all people through the use of voice they want to live a moment of sharing and peace. If you do not need a knowledge of music or a choir practice, is required of all interest to the investigation and soul searching.

Beyond a quantitative yield and dictated by aesthetic reasons, we are interested in achieving a global state of well being for a sincere and active participation in the liturgical service, the learning phase, to the liturgical celebrations shared with the community. The attendance at Mass on Sunday with the Community of Sant 'Antimo concludes the course.

The place

The courses are held at the Abbey of Saint Antimo in Tuscany, near Montalcino. We chose this place, not only for the peace and beauty that only helps in the approach to sacred music, but mainly because we are in contact with a community in which the daily common prayer is sung entirely in accordance with the Gregorian liturgy of Vatican II as an ideal tool for contemplation and worship .. The monks of St. Antimo follow the Rule of St. Augustine in the community and live a fraternal life according to the Gospel. Learn
sacred music (mono and polyphonic) sharing the daily practice of the religious community is a rare opportunity to understand the true meaning and depth. Therefore, it is recommended participation in the prayers of the Community.


During our courses we give much time to research addressing several issues related to speech voice, listening ear, perception, balance, breathing and quality of voices, movement, resonance, harmonics. During these periods of research vocale non conta "produrre" dei suoni perfetti, ma essere aperti agli stimoli che il suono provoca in noi. Ad un insegnamento prevalentemente teorico si preferisce un approccio pratico e sensoriale.
I criteri pedagogici si rifanno principalmente al metodo funzionale della voce dell’ Istituto di Lichtenberg , che tiene conto di tutti gli aspetti del suono e della voce umana, collegando la voce allo stato interiore della persona: ciò che guida la voce non è il controllo muscolare, bensì l’ascolto e la sensibilità percettiva per i segnali che arrivano in risposta ai diversi stimoli e alle domande.

Il repertorio
Oltre al repertorio very wide of the Gregorian monody are studied music from medieval to Renaissance polyphony choices in relation to the degree of preparedness of the participants.

Picotti Livio, head of the Research Centre Voice of Montepulciano (SI) and director of Capella Ducale Venetia, by the voice search and Gregorian chant and polyphony.
Tel 0578 716943 - E-mail:

What Causes Uti And Constipation

Base Course

Date dei Prossimi Incontri

Dal 25 al 27 Febbraio 2011
... in ricerca della Voce del Logos..
seminari - ritiri di canto sacro

Livio Picotti
con la partecipazione di
fr. Dominique de Formigny

Vox Christi is the basic course of enchantment that conveys more sacred music (monody and polyphony) through work on speech perception and bodily movement.

is open to all people through the use of voice they want to live a moment of sharing and peace. If you do not need a knowledge of music or a choir practice, is required of all interest to the investigation and soul searching.

Beyond a quantitative yield and dictated by aesthetic reasons, we are interested in achieving a global state of well being for a sincere and active participation in the liturgical service, the learning phase, to the liturgical celebrations shared with the community. The attendance at Mass on Sunday with the Community of Sant 'Antimo concludes the course.

The place

The courses are held at the Abbey of Saint Antimo in Tuscany, near Montalcino. We chose this place, not only for the peace and beauty that only helps in the approach to sacred music, but mainly because we are in contact with a community in which the daily common prayer is sung entirely in accordance with the Gregorian liturgy of Vatican II as an ideal tool for contemplation and worship .. The monks of St. Antimo follow the Rule of St. Augustine in the community and live a fraternal life according to the Gospel. Learn
sacred music (mono and polyphonic) sharing the daily practice of the religious community is a rare opportunity to understand the true meaning and depth. Therefore, it is recommended participation in the prayers of the Community.


During our courses we give much time to research addressing several issues related to speech voice, listening ear, perception, balance, breathing and quality of voices, movement, resonance, harmonics. During these periods of research vocale non conta "produrre" dei suoni perfetti, ma essere aperti agli stimoli che il suono provoca in noi. Ad un insegnamento prevalentemente teorico si preferisce un approccio pratico e sensoriale.
I criteri pedagogici si rifanno principalmente al metodo funzionale della voce dell’ Istituto di Lichtenberg , che tiene conto di tutti gli aspetti del suono e della voce umana, collegando la voce allo stato interiore della persona: ciò che guida la voce non è il controllo muscolare, bensì l’ascolto e la sensibilità percettiva per i segnali che arrivano in risposta ai diversi stimoli e alle domande.

Il repertorio
Oltre al repertorio very wide of the Gregorian monody are studied music from medieval to Renaissance polyphony choices in relation to the degree of preparedness of the participants.

Picotti Livio, head of the Research Centre Voice of Montepulciano (SI) and director of Capella Ducale Venetia, by the voice search and Gregorian chant and polyphony.
Tel 0578 716943 - E-mail:

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Painting Sheer Fabric

They said the Vox Christi ... Practical Information

"... I caught in a corner of my computer records when did the tests last night in the abbey. I got goose bumps and a huge nostalgia for those days. I decided that allowing work to return again ... "

... I understood how "simple" approach to singing, free from shyness or fear of making mistakes. I realized how much better you if you are really expressing themselves. I understand that a good teacher does not have to be that professorone that puts you in awe, but simply a great person to be truly such, and instead of looking bad, if you smile sticks ... "

... You know when you throw a stone into the sea and the point at which dived becomes the center of many small waves that gradually widen away ? Here, just entered the monastery I felt that the time and space were dilated taking away all the feelings, good and bad, who have always lived my soul. And I was there, in the middle, someone new, just to enjoy that special moment ... "

... several days have passed, but the thought is always close to you and pleasant hours spent together. It 'was a great experience, I hope that we can repeat ... the memory of what we did together is always a window open in the mind ... "

... for me, to live in these four days Sant'Antimo was as re-appropriating a part of myself that I forget because they are too often neglected, and taken from the hustle the newspaper ... "

" ... beautiful voices so that each one different and unique in the world, scores of Gregorian initially indecipherable, grass, flowers, twilight, perfume, lizards, praying, vibration, smiles, sunshine, eyes, echo, star sounds, queen bees and invisible wings ... this port from the Vox Christi ... "

... we feel we need to thank you for the welcome, availability, non-judgment, the lightness, the power, passion, warmth and much more that we have conveyed in those few but intense days Sant'Antimo ... "

... the days we spent together were magic, in the true sense of the word ... "

... we brought back a wonderful experience with you and for this we thank you heartily. We felt like in another world, leaving behind reviews have found a place "charming" with great people. The way in which we have conveyed the courage and the ability to speak with the voice through awareness and movement was simply beautiful. Hopefully we can repeat / continue a day this experience ... "

Painting Sheer Fabric

They said the Vox Christi ... Practical Information

"... I caught in a corner of my computer records when did the tests last night in the abbey. I got goose bumps and a huge nostalgia for those days. I decided that allowing work to return again ... "

... I understood how "simple" approach to singing, free from shyness or fear of making mistakes. I realized how much better you if you are really expressing themselves. I understand that a good teacher does not have to be that professorone that puts you in awe, but simply a great person to be truly such, and instead of looking bad, if you smile sticks ... "

... You know when you throw a stone into the sea and the point at which dived becomes the center of many small waves that gradually widen away ? Here, just entered the monastery I felt that the time and space were dilated taking away all the feelings, good and bad, who have always lived my soul. And I was there, in the middle, someone new, just to enjoy that special moment ... "

... several days have passed, but the thought is always close to you and pleasant hours spent together. It 'was a great experience, I hope that we can repeat ... the memory of what we did together is always a window open in the mind ... "

... for me, to live in these four days Sant'Antimo was as re-appropriating a part of myself that I forget because they are too often neglected, and taken from the hustle the newspaper ... "

" ... beautiful voices so that each one different and unique in the world, scores of Gregorian initially indecipherable, grass, flowers, twilight, perfume, lizards, praying, vibration, smiles, sunshine, eyes, echo, star sounds, queen bees and invisible wings ... this port from the Vox Christi ... "

... we feel we need to thank you for the welcome, availability, non-judgment, the lightness, the power, passion, warmth and much more that we have conveyed in those few but intense days Sant'Antimo ... "

... the days we spent together were magic, in the true sense of the word ... "

... we brought back a wonderful experience with you and for this we thank you heartily. We felt like in another world, leaving behind reviews have found a place "charming" with great people. The way in which we have conveyed the courage and the ability to speak with the voice through awareness and movement was simply beautiful. Hopefully we can repeat / continue a day this experience ... "

Monday, January 7, 2008

Causes Of Foggy Headache

Practical Information

Prayer with the Community
A feature of the courses of charm and the opportunity to experience the singing sacred - in communion with the liturgical the community of priests (canons) who pray with Gregorian chant. Attend community liturgy can get into the spirit of the chant, as it is experienced in everyday life in the community. The highlights are: 7:00 am Morning Prayer, Mass of 9.15, the sixth in 12:45, 19:00 of the Vespers, Compline at 20.30.

classes and meetings singing
The musical meetings will be held in St. Augustine, near the abbey church, and sometimes in the lounge of the hostel Tabor. They also provided evidence to the church to deepen the sensory-acoustic research. Scores are provided at the time.

The food
3-day course (afternoon of the Day, The Day and the morning of the Third Day):
There are 3 meals (dinner of The Day and lunches of II ° and III Day) to € 14.00 (for a total of € 42.00 ) and a meal optional (dinner on Day II - a first and salad) to € 9.00 choosing " SI "under" I would like to take advantage of the optional meal. "
4 day course:

There are 4 meals completi (cena I°giorno, pranzi del II°, III° e IV°giorno) a € 14,00 (per un totale di € 56,00 ) e 2 pasti facoltativi (cene II° e III° giorno) (un primo e contorno) a € 9,00 ciascuno (per un totale di € 18,00.- ) scegliendo l’opzione “ SI ” nella voce “Vorrei usufruire del pasto facoltativo”.
CORSO di 5 giorni:
Sono previsti 5 pasti completi (cena del I°giorno, pranzi del II°, III°, IV° e Vº giorno) a € 14,00 (for a total of € 70.00 ) and optional 3 meals (dinner day II and III, IV Day dinner) (first and salad) to € 9.00 each (for a total of € 27,00. -) choosing the option "YES" in "I want to take advantage of the optional meal."
The possible waiver of the meals must be specified in detail on the registration form under "other."
The menu for vegetarians consists of cooked and raw vegetables, cereals, eggs, cheese and fruit.
It is not possible to prepare custom menus further .-
Each individual will use the breakfast you need (coffee, tea, biscuits and jams) that will be made available in the kitchen.
This will create small groups, which in turn will work with the cooks in spreparare and tidy up the premises after a meal.

Course participants may stay at the guest quarters of the Abbey, (Forester and / or Hostel Tabor), or can be rented individually rooms or apartments in accommodation in the area (*). -
In guest should bring a sleeping bag (in winter) and / or bed sheets. The use of sheets of the guest costs € 3. The blankets are available in the room .- All rooms are two or three beds, and you can not single room hospitality at the expense of other stakeholders. The facilities are shared .-
The rooms are assigned at the beginning of the course .-
Who wants to anticipate the arrival or extended stay should indicate this on the registration form to check availability .-
It 'good to respect the silence in the house after 23.00 pm and after lunch .- At the start, clean and tidy their rooms and common services and deposit the sheets of the guest may use the space under the stairs. -
E 'expected contribution for the use of guest of € 15.00 per night .

The cost of the course is € 90 for 3 days and € 120 for 4 / 5 days .
Registration will validity of the receipt via e-mail ( ) or by fax at 0578-716943 details of the total amount of VAT € 90.00 (non refundable).
The payment must be made on postepay Mail No. 4023 6005 8932 5226 (fixed fee 1 euro), letterheads to Livio Picotti .
The balance of the overall quota on the course, accommodation and meals will be paid to the person responsible beginning of the course (the first day of the course) .
exemptions will be accepted only if notified at registration to ensure an effective organization. The last-minute cancellations create organizational problems and unfortunately not possible to leave room for other members on the waiting list.

PROGRAM maximum for 4 day course

The Day (eg Thursday)
16-19 hours room S. Augustine (near the Abbey) for R & Canto 19 hours
Vespers in the Church with the Community
hours from 19.30 to 20.20
singing in church at 21 Dinner in Guest

Day II (Eg Friday) from 10.30 to 12.45 hours room
S. Augustine for Research and Canto
hours 13 hours 16-19
dining room Guest S. Agostino R & Canto 19 hours
Vespers in the Church with the Community
19.40 hours singing in church at 21
dinner Guest

Day III (eg, Saturday) from 10.30 to 12.45
S. Augustine for Research and Sixth Canto
12.45 hours in the Church with the Community
hours 13.15 16-19 hours dining room Guest
S. Agostino R & Canto 19 hours
Vespers in the Church with the Community
19.40 hours singing in church at 21
dinner Guest

IV Day (ie Sunday)
ore 9,15 Prove in Chiesa
ore 11 Messa cantata
ore 13 Pranzo in Foresteria

(*) Camere nelle vicinanze all'Abbazia:
- Il Cacciatore - Albergo & Ristorante verso Seggiano - a 15 minuti in macchina 0564 950913
- Locanda Sant'Antimo Albergo & Ristorante a Castelnuovo dell'Abate 0577 835615
- Trattoria Bassomondo Ristorante a Castelnuovo dell'Abate 0577 835619
- Da Gianni Appartamenti a Castelnuovo dell'Abate 0577 835778
- Da Stefania Ciacci Appartamento a Castelnuovo dell'Abate 0577 835769 / 3487336457
- Da Rabissi Apartment in Castelnuovo Abbot 0577 835637 / 0577 50620
- From Abbot Mauro Apartment in Castelnuovo
3470535638 - Hostel Tabor between Castelnuovo and the Abbey - 0577 835659 (talk fr.Amerigo) -
- The Ferraiolo Farm Road on the Sixth - in 3 minutes by car 835 796 0577

- The Source Farm on the way to sixth - in 3 minutes by car
835 780 0577 - House - Mr. Ferretti - Sant'Angelo in Colle - 0577 - 864155
- The Cross Farm on the way to Montalcino - 5 minutes by car 849 463 0577
- Crociona The Farm on the way to Montalcino - to 5-minute drive 0577 8471330577 848 007
- Mariuccia Affittacamere a Montalcino - a 15 minuti in macchina 0577 849113
- Il Moro Affittacamere a Montalcino - a 15 minuti in macchina 0577 849384
- La Torre Affittacamere a Montalcino - a 15 minuti in macchina 3474007457

Causes Of Foggy Headache

Practical Information

Prayer with the Community
A feature of the courses of charm and the opportunity to experience the singing sacred - in communion with the liturgical the community of priests (canons) who pray with Gregorian chant. Attend community liturgy can get into the spirit of the chant, as it is experienced in everyday life in the community. The highlights are: 7:00 am Morning Prayer, Mass of 9.15, the sixth in 12:45, 19:00 of the Vespers, Compline at 20.30.

classes and meetings singing
The musical meetings will be held in St. Augustine, near the abbey church, and sometimes in the lounge of the hostel Tabor. They also provided evidence to the church to deepen the sensory-acoustic research. Scores are provided at the time.

The food
3-day course (afternoon of the Day, The Day and the morning of the Third Day):
There are 3 meals (dinner of The Day and lunches of II ° and III Day) to € 14.00 (for a total of € 42.00 ) and a meal optional (dinner on Day II - a first and salad) to € 9.00 choosing " SI "under" I would like to take advantage of the optional meal. "
4 day course:

There are 4 meals completi (cena I°giorno, pranzi del II°, III° e IV°giorno) a € 14,00 (per un totale di € 56,00 ) e 2 pasti facoltativi (cene II° e III° giorno) (un primo e contorno) a € 9,00 ciascuno (per un totale di € 18,00.- ) scegliendo l’opzione “ SI ” nella voce “Vorrei usufruire del pasto facoltativo”.
CORSO di 5 giorni:
Sono previsti 5 pasti completi (cena del I°giorno, pranzi del II°, III°, IV° e Vº giorno) a € 14,00 (for a total of € 70.00 ) and optional 3 meals (dinner day II and III, IV Day dinner) (first and salad) to € 9.00 each (for a total of € 27,00. -) choosing the option "YES" in "I want to take advantage of the optional meal."
The possible waiver of the meals must be specified in detail on the registration form under "other."
The menu for vegetarians consists of cooked and raw vegetables, cereals, eggs, cheese and fruit.
It is not possible to prepare custom menus further .-
Each individual will use the breakfast you need (coffee, tea, biscuits and jams) that will be made available in the kitchen.
This will create small groups, which in turn will work with the cooks in spreparare and tidy up the premises after a meal.

Course participants may stay at the guest quarters of the Abbey, (Forester and / or Hostel Tabor), or can be rented individually rooms or apartments in accommodation in the area (*). -
In guest should bring a sleeping bag (in winter) and / or bed sheets. The use of sheets of the guest costs € 3. The blankets are available in the room .- All rooms are two or three beds, and you can not single room hospitality at the expense of other stakeholders. The facilities are shared .-
The rooms are assigned at the beginning of the course .-
Who wants to anticipate the arrival or extended stay should indicate this on the registration form to check availability .-
It 'good to respect the silence in the house after 23.00 pm and after lunch .- At the start, clean and tidy their rooms and common services and deposit the sheets of the guest may use the space under the stairs. -
E 'expected contribution for the use of guest of € 15.00 per night .

The cost of the course is € 90 for 3 days and € 120 for 4 / 5 days .
Registration will validity of the receipt via e-mail ( ) or by fax at 0578-716943 details of the total amount of VAT € 90.00 (non refundable).
The payment must be made on postepay Mail No. 4023 6005 8932 5226 (fixed fee 1 euro), letterheads to Livio Picotti .
The balance of the overall quota on the course, accommodation and meals will be paid to the person responsible beginning of the course (the first day of the course) .
exemptions will be accepted only if notified at registration to ensure an effective organization. The last-minute cancellations create organizational problems and unfortunately not possible to leave room for other members on the waiting list.

PROGRAM maximum for 4 day course

The Day (eg Thursday)
16-19 hours room S. Augustine (near the Abbey) for R & Canto 19 hours
Vespers in the Church with the Community
hours from 19.30 to 20.20
singing in church at 21 Dinner in Guest

Day II (Eg Friday) from 10.30 to 12.45 hours room
S. Augustine for Research and Canto
hours 13 hours 16-19
dining room Guest S. Agostino R & Canto 19 hours
Vespers in the Church with the Community
19.40 hours singing in church at 21
dinner Guest

Day III (eg, Saturday) from 10.30 to 12.45
S. Augustine for Research and Sixth Canto
12.45 hours in the Church with the Community
hours 13.15 16-19 hours dining room Guest
S. Agostino R & Canto 19 hours
Vespers in the Church with the Community
19.40 hours singing in church at 21
dinner Guest

IV Day (ie Sunday)
ore 9,15 Prove in Chiesa
ore 11 Messa cantata
ore 13 Pranzo in Foresteria

(*) Camere nelle vicinanze all'Abbazia:
- Il Cacciatore - Albergo & Ristorante verso Seggiano - a 15 minuti in macchina 0564 950913
- Locanda Sant'Antimo Albergo & Ristorante a Castelnuovo dell'Abate 0577 835615
- Trattoria Bassomondo Ristorante a Castelnuovo dell'Abate 0577 835619
- Da Gianni Appartamenti a Castelnuovo dell'Abate 0577 835778
- Da Stefania Ciacci Appartamento a Castelnuovo dell'Abate 0577 835769 / 3487336457
- Da Rabissi Apartment in Castelnuovo Abbot 0577 835637 / 0577 50620
- From Abbot Mauro Apartment in Castelnuovo
3470535638 - Hostel Tabor between Castelnuovo and the Abbey - 0577 835659 (talk fr.Amerigo) -
- The Ferraiolo Farm Road on the Sixth - in 3 minutes by car 835 796 0577

- The Source Farm on the way to sixth - in 3 minutes by car
835 780 0577 - House - Mr. Ferretti - Sant'Angelo in Colle - 0577 - 864155
- The Cross Farm on the way to Montalcino - 5 minutes by car 849 463 0577
- Crociona The Farm on the way to Montalcino - to 5-minute drive 0577 8471330577 848 007
- Mariuccia Affittacamere a Montalcino - a 15 minuti in macchina 0577 849113
- Il Moro Affittacamere a Montalcino - a 15 minuti in macchina 0577 849384
- La Torre Affittacamere a Montalcino - a 15 minuti in macchina 3474007457